KSI Network(KN)


New Member
Aug 6, 2018
New Jersey
KSI Network is the unique result of three men who sat down and planned to begin the greatest gaming community ever produced. The mind-blowing community consists of a special group of young and older individuals that share a common goal: gaming. Our members bridge the gap and build leaders for every age group to reinforce their real-life work ethics and goal oriented lifestyles. The cultures here in KSI are limitless, producing leaders from every country, and every language; the members are taught diversity, and live that belief to the fullest, making KSI one of the most diverse communities in the world.

KSI’s leaders live the life in becoming more proficient with their knowledge strength and integrity. KSI’s members can experiment with players from across the world, to meet leaders from every walk of life.
The members can learn certain traits from their leaders to mold themselves, producing a fine role-model for future KSI members, and then express what they learned while online, and in their workplace or at school. KSI is a learning environment and reinforces their drive, making its members more confident in their leadership, and less reckless with real-life relationships.

Within the first months of the birth of KSI, only 600 members were apart of us, but now that number has reached a crushing number of 20000 in it’s prime. KSI has members that range from all over the scale, where the younger gamers will interact with older gamers, giving them the opportunity to learn to play more maturely, and getting older gamers to interact with the youth, along the way, teaching valuable lessons, and a wide variety of social skills. KSI’s older members are given a chance to have fun and give the Xbox Live community a much more organized feel.

KSI is everything you want it to be, and more. KSI has seen the best of times, and the worst of times, and will live to prosper throughout the world of Online gaming. KSI will continue to produce fine leaders and hopes the best for every gamer out there. Our members are learning and teaching, and living amongst some of the most talented, gifted gamers in the world. What about you?