Xbox 360 Kung Fu Panda


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
Has anyone purchased this game or played it? My daughters friend is a huge Kung Fu Panda fan and we need a gift for a birthday party. I am just not sure about getting a game based on a movie. Will the kids tire of it quickly and then not be played?
I have played Kung Fu Panda, with my cousin's kids, and they love it. I thought it was fun, too. We mainly played the mini games, instead of following the storyline part. I think it would make a great gift, because my cousin's kids have had it for a while, and they are still playing it.
No but its on the wish list for a little girl in our house this year from Santa. She loves the cartoons and movies, another one she is looking at has something to do with a zebra or some other zoo animal. I forget the name now but its on my list for black friday shopping.
we watched the movie with our little ones but I have never seen anything about the game. I think there is a cartoon about it too if I am not mistaken.
I really hope our kids like it. I'm thinking they will since they loved the movie. If there are mini games and a long story line that would be great. Sometimes they only play for a few short minutes, so the mini games would be perfect.
This game came with the second Xbox we purchased; otherwise, I wouldn't have played it. It was okay for being an included game, but overall, not very interesting.