

New Member
Jan 21, 2012
Has anyone here ever started, attended or heard of an in game memorial for someone that has passed? Some friends had one over the weekend for a dear buddy of ours, I was not able to attend due to a family emergency but I think its kind of cool that they could get it organized and setup.
Hmm, that's really interesting. Thanks for helping me learn something new! I haven't heard of in-game memorials, just in-game proposals. I think if they were a gamer, that's a nice way to remember them by.
Thankfully none of my gaming friends have ever passed away, but I would definitely do something like this. If we can spend a lot of time having fun playing video games, we can certainly take some time to have a memorial. I think that's a really nice way to show respect.
A friend ended up recording it so a few days later we had a get together to sit down and watch it, followed by the friends favorite drink of all time too. It was pretty interesting to watch and I was amazed at the level of respect, even the GM's in game were keeping people (trolls) at bay with an auto ban ready and waiting.