Xbox One Microsoft responds to the petition - Family Sharing returns?


Apr 24, 2013
Microsoft feels most people liked the family sharing idea, so they're most likely bringing it back. This has been a real rocky road for Microsoft right now, I don't know which side to be on. At least they admit they were wrong, and hopefully, they will listen to their fans in the future. All we have to do now is wait until they have an official announcement, or wait until the actual product releases.

It was an addition of a feature onto Xbox One, not a removal of a feature. And I understand people see things like Family Sharing and they’re like, ‘Wow, I was really looking forward to that,’ which is more of an engineering reality time frame type-thing.”

On the subject of the removed Family Sharing feature, we asked Whitten if any kind of road map is in place to restore the ability to share your digital library with family and friends. “If it’s something that people are really excited about and want, we’re going to make sure that we find the right way to bring it back,”

Via: IGN
Sounds pretty ambiguous, if you ask me. Maybe they'll bring it back; maybe they won't. I wasn't all that excited about it to begin with, but I can see why people were interested in it. I suppose the demand for it is there, so it wouldn't surprise me if they did bring it back.
They should bring it back. I do not really comprehend why the removal of DRM would cause the removal of family sharing. I am sure they can find a way to make family sharing work without the excessive DRM...
They should bring it back. I do not really comprehend why the removal of DRM would cause the removal of family sharing. I am sure they can find a way to make family sharing work without the excessive DRM...

Honestly it would take encryption series numbers to have family share without drm and 24hr checks. If a customer wants the family share/drm/connected 24hr. It needs to be agreed on or part of console setup.. Leave it how it is with the option to not be or how the 180 is now. Leave the option appease both sides and see how it all pans out
I feel like Microsoft is over complicating themselves. If you stick to promoting developers to make good games and building a system that allows people to happily run their content (gaming or otherwise) you'll succeed. The One is falling into a trap where they have all this botch and unused code hanging out on the hardware. They are trying to rush to figure out what to do, they are selling it higher then the PS 4 and a lot of their conference was "We do this." ... I want games darn it!
Back to the family sharing huh? PS4 already has a family sharing type program, being able to sign into any PS4 and play a game that's tied to their PSN and play it as long as they stay logged in. Which is still without the DRM side as they are able to make a PS4 a "home" system and play games without being signed in. At this point they shouldn't mention family sharing again unless they are going to bring it back, it's just bad PR.
Makes no difference to me, but I'll be interested in seeing what they do. I don't play games to socialize, though; I've traditionally been a lone gamer type, myself. I rarely lend games, and when I do it's usually to the same person because I don't trust anyone else to return my games. But if family sharing is what people want, then I see no reason not to bring it back since that was originally their plan anyway.
Eh. I don't care either way, but this brouhaha is doing nothing to make this system seem especially legit. I mean there was no reason really to pull Family Share if apparently it can be used without DRM 24/7 or whatever. Then again if they do have to do some form of security to make sure this system isn't abused then some level of DRM will come up and that's what got them in trouble in the first place. Honestly they should just shut up and put out the best product they can moving forward.
Say what you want about Microsoft and the complaints about this console, when they hear people, they hear people. They listen, I think that's excellent. They'll be keeping my business.
sure bring back family share... what are they going to impliment to keep the liers cheaters and theirfs from exploiting it?