Xbox One More or Fewer Kinect games?


Feb 10, 2013
We all know that Microsoft Xbox has been pushing Kinect and getting lots of games for it. I can understand it, but have they lost the controller gamers attention? Do you think they should concentrate more on the controller gamers again or do you want more Kinect games?
I've been generally unimpressed with most of the kinect games that have come out. I think that the system has a lot of potential, but at the moment it just doesn't seem worth it to me. If they could start taking Kinect games in the right direction, they might be worth buying.
I've been generally unimpressed with most of the kinect games that have come out. I think that the system has a lot of potential, but at the moment it just doesn't seem worth it to me. If they could start taking Kinect games in the right direction, they might be worth buying.

What direction is it that you'd like to see them take it? I'm not very familiar with Kinect games, but I do know they dominate the Games on Demand section of the Xbox 360.
I am not into Kinect games at all. I understand how they may seem fun at first and it's a good idea to get gamers active, but the truth is that most people don't want to be active when they game. It's the same idea as going to see a movie. I don't want to break a sweat when I go see a movie. I want to sit back, relax and lose myself in the story. The same applies for games. I play to get lost in that world and not to see my awkward body dance on my TV screen.
I'm really not interested in the Kinect as well. I'd rather play the Wii instead honestly. The games for the Kinect is just plain and boring in my opinion. Unless they make a fun, unique game that require you to move, then I will be staying away from the Kinect for a while.
So far I have absolutely zero interest in anything Kinect. The idea of moving around and flailing your body just doesn't appeal to me at all and isn't what I have in mind when I want to play a video game. I guess if it was implemented perfectly somehow and wasn't too obtrusive I wouldn't be against it but only time will tell if game developers can improve their game with the Kinect.

Now if there were Oculus Rift games for the Xbox One... well jesus, just shut up and take my damn money, Microsoft. Now that is an extension of gaming that I am looking forward to!
I think the developers need a little more time, to find out what gamers want and don't want. I like RPGs and Fable for Kinect was a pretty good game, not perfect but fun.
They were touting that newer Kinect is more accurate now, which makes me wonder if they could use it in a wider variety of games. Like increased accuracy might make it useful for a first person shooter, or maybe they could incorporate gestures more into serious games.
I want more Kinect games that aren't just crappy casual games which would be better fit for the Wii, like Kinect Adventures or whatever.
My answer to this question depends on how it relates to the overall gaming market. If companies continue to churn out roughly the same number of non-Kinect titles each year then by all means bring on more Kinect titles. However, if more Kinect games means fewer traditional games, count me out.

By the same token, I don't want to see traditional games force Kinect use. For instance, if I want to play Call of Duty, don't force me to yell or wave at my TV. At the very least give me the option to disable Kinect features. I want options.
I thought it seemed cool that Mass Effect 3 was going to use Kinect, but then it ended up being voice-command only. And I can't really contemplate how else to do a complicated game without a controller input. Nearly all the Kinect games are dance titles, and for that market they sell like gangbusters; my co-workers have Kinects and their kids love the dance games, but that's all they play. It's weird being an old gamer and seeing what the new generation of gamers picks up to play.
Not to mention, 100% of Xbox One owners will have Kinect, vs. not all 360 owners. So that will create a larger demographic (if that's the right term) for potential Kinect game buyers, which will probably lead to more being made as well. I don't know what the % of 360 owners is now that also have Kinects, but I suspect it's nowehere near 100% considering it didn't come out until much later.
If the Kinect 2.0 is the same crap that is the first Kinect, i think Microsoft only does best in just forgetting the damn thing like Sony did with the Playstation Eye. If it doesn't work, stop shoving it down our throats.
If the Kinect 2.0 is the same crap that is the first Kinect, i think Microsoft only does best in just forgetting the damn thing like Sony did with the Playstation Eye. If it doesn't work, stop shoving it down our throats.

I don't have it, but I definitely don't think its crap. Its a huge invention in the gaming market and has created many ideas and directions that games and the console maker can take things with the Xbox One. Stuff like the Kinect is the future of technology.