Most Difficult Xbox 360 Game Achievement


New Member
Jan 20, 2012
What's the hardest or most difficult Xbox 360 game achievement you have ever set out to complete? For me (so far) it's been beating Call of Duty: Black Ops on the Expert difficulty level.
I don't really worry about the achievements, but of the ones I got, going a whole game without being killed was pretty hard in MW3.
You mean like going though the whole campaign without being killed, or are you talking about live play? Either way, it's something I haven't been able to do!
The hardest acheivement that I've gone for and succeeded at in recent memory was the Medal Seeker achievement in Dead Block. It required four gold medals on every level, and the only way you can get gold is by playing on hard. The medals were for destroying and searching through all the objects (of which there were MANY), killing a certain number of zombies per level, and not dying. The hardest medal to get was for not dying, and it was pretty much impossible to get all four medals at once, so I would break it up.
The tip to beating expert level on Call of Duty: Black Ops, is to not aim in if someone is Closer then 25ft. from you. You have enough ammo to go around :)
What's the hardest or most difficult Xbox 360 game achievement you have ever set out to complete? For me (so far) it's been beating Call of Duty: Black Ops on the Expert difficulty level.

I'm having a really hard time with an achievement I'm trying to get right now. I'm playing L.A. Noire and there's an achievement worth 80 points for completing all the cases with a 5-star rating. You can't miss many clues or get many questions wrong without impacting the star-rating, so I'm having to go back and replay a lot of the cases to up my rating.
but i will agree with you, expert level on black ops may be the hardest one.