i have a cyber snipa intelliscope mouse, i dont think
its completely designed for windows 7 but it works fine
with everything, however, whilst im in a battle ground
or something like that my mouse stops clicking icons
and only lets me click to look around as if its not
recognising any of the action bars or and thing else
click-able, i minimize and reopen and its okay for a
little bit then ill have to do it. Outside a battle
ground and stuff its fine and this never happens? any
help please?
its completely designed for windows 7 but it works fine
with everything, however, whilst im in a battle ground
or something like that my mouse stops clicking icons
and only lets me click to look around as if its not
recognising any of the action bars or and thing else
click-able, i minimize and reopen and its okay for a
little bit then ill have to do it. Outside a battle
ground and stuff its fine and this never happens? any
help please?