Xbox 360 Multiplayer in FIFA Soccer 13


New Member
Jan 6, 2013
I have been considering purchasing this game, but am curious about how the multi-player mode works. Has anyone noticed any excessive latency issues in multi-player mode? Has anyone witnessed any exploiting in online multi-player?
Hi RedDragon, thought I would drop you a quick message seeing as nobody had replied to you!

The multiplayer on FIFA 13 is much improved as apposed to FIFA 11 and 12, I haven't experienced any of the old button lag or crashing of old.

There is of course still what appears to be an 'in-built' delay on buttons when playing online so it takes a little longer to pass etc than when offline.
I have been playing FIFA 13 for a while now, and lag only occurs if you connect to a player which isn't in the same region as you. Then again, this happens quite rarely, because the system prioritizes the players from your own region in the matchmaking. I haven't stumbled upon any exploits so far, it's definitely a lot better than FIFA 11 and 12 like Daz- mentioned.
It's peer to peer connection when your playing multiplayer, so it's all about your internet speed. Both players need to have a good internet connection or the game will not be enjoyable... it happened to me a lot of times when I would go into a game and it would love in frames, making me waste time in a lame game or lose it by quitting.
I heard only good things about it. A friend of mine plays it a lot more than I do and he is totally crazy about it. There are so much who are crazy about it, it is a pretty good sign, isn't it?
Playing multi-player is awesome. How could you not know how it works.
That's the strangest question really, how does multiplayer work? Have you played a single FIFA before?
Lol I agree with Andre, who doesn't know how the multiplayer works is really dumb, if you don't tragically, then use YouTube.