New Rules & Post Requirement for New Members

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Former Administrator
Sep 19, 2011
New Post requirement in order to post links & have a signature

Due to the recent massive increase in thread spam we here at Xbox Forums we are implementing new measures before new users are allowed to post links & signatures. We didn't want to do it but we have a lot of new members that come register only to post a link to their site in a spamming fashion or promote a product. They really don't contribute anything to the community. Don't get us wrong, some of these threads are very relevant and we realize some others may be hurt by the decision but their are really too many new users that post links around their own means and leave. We are also deleting a large amount of spam posts on a daily basis. Below is the simple new posting requirement that new users will have to make in order to get increased privileges. Thanks!

Simply, a new user must have 25 posts before they are allowed permissions to post links & have a signature.

Thats it! This new requirement will go into effect May 19, 2012.
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