New Xbox One Owner


New Member
Dec 26, 2013
Hey all, hope you have had a fantastic holiday season.

My name is Mo and got a XB1 for X-mas. Just thought that it would be appropriate to join a forum dedicated to the xbox one, and here I am. So far I played BF4 and COD Ghosts and am impressed with both games. BF4 is so much fun. I do definitely love the new controller as it feels just right. Anyway, here is hoping to a great gaming generation. :)

Edit: As for my rep, I do not know why it is a three stars. I have not been into that account for literally ages and so do not think me to a bad forum member based on the rep.
your all good man... welcome.. the gamertag thing is under work via microsoft.
Hey Mo! Welcome to the forum! :)

I think every gamertag starts at 3 stars and you get up to five quickly as your friends and people that you play against "prefer" you. It shouldn't take long to get to 5 stars!
Welcome to the Xbox family. Congratulations for getting the Xbox One. I'm sure you'll find a lot of useful information with this community. Looking forward to your contribution too.
Congrats on the new console and welcome to the forums! Jstep is correct, three stars is the default rating and it will go up from there. Enjoy the site and your new games, happy holidays!