Xbox 360 Old games?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2012
What do you do with your old 360 games? Do you just let them accumulate, rivaling the inventory of your local Gamestop store, or do you trade them in for credit?
I just keep them, every once and awhile, I will want to play them. Just to play a old game for something different.
I have mine too, I have my Xbox still. The kids love to play the older games from time to time. I never really thought about trading them in at Gamestop. Maybe I'll take a look to see what we don't play with anymore.
We tend to go through all of our games for every system twice a year and donate or sell them off if we do not use them. We are pressed for space in this house but do not plan to move for a few more years so that is the best option we have.
What do you do with your old 360 games? Do you just let them accumulate, rivaling the inventory of your local Gamestop store, or do you trade them in for credit?

We keep all our old games. We don't like to trade them in because you never get what you paid for them, or even half that. Plus, we only buy a game AFTER we've played it and know we like it, so all the games we buy, we buy knowing we'll play them over and over again. :~)
I store then for my future children to play. I'm sure the game that my future kids will play is very different from the ones I played when I was younger. They would truly appreciate what they are playing if they have experienced playing the old games.

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