Xbox 360 Original Xbox games on the 360


Sep 22, 2011
Do you know if all original Xbox games will work in the 360? I am trying to determine this so I can buy some nice old Xbox games that I want to play in my 360.
No, not all Xbox games are compatible with the Xbox 360. You can find a list of compatible games on Wikipedia, but even some of the ones that do work on the Xbox 360 have some restrictions and may present some software errors. They are working on updates to make more and more games work on the new console.
I've had my Xbox 360 and I never even thought of this. I thought all the old games I had were useless. There are actually a few games I really liked that I got rid of when I got my new Xbox. I might just go out and find them in a store since they are probably dirt cheap now.
Google: xbox games on xbox 360 wikipedia

There is a list of all the compatible games, I also recommend putting the Xbox Backwards Compatibility update, which is obtained directly from the microsoft website, on a USB stick and installing it onto your Xbox, that adds a load more games that you can play on your 360.
Many of the original games are also becoming available on the Marketplace as downloads, although I found that I never go back and play the old games. I had a backwards compatible PS3 for a while and really only ever played the current PS3 games. Anyone else ever find that they end up doing this?
I agree, in fact not only from the marketplace but you can download from torrent and other website as well. I usually download it using PC then burn on a CD. Most of the games work well.
Also, wouldn't you need the emulater that is on the optional hard drives? Really haven't looked at the old games I have. They just sit in the closet on top of one of the dead box's I've aquired ove the years.
I for one sometimes enjoy old games as much or more than the newer ones. I never did any research about what games were and weren't compatible with the 360, but I know that at the initial release of the 360, they stated that a lot of the most popular games from the original Xbox would be playable on the 360. However, I also remember playing the original Halo on a 360, and while it worked for the most part, there were some issues with it. IIRC, the timing was off, and it would lag at some points. Halo 2 worked fine, however.
Hmmm? Is it possible to play older generation XBOX games on the XBOX 360? Do they all work or are they limited to an amount of old games?
I'm pretty sure you can't I tried that I one of my games before and it didn't work. Or maybe not every game works. it's pretty much the same as ps2 to slim ps3
It really depends on the game. Some work fine, others barely work, there are more than can be allowed to work with an update patch. There are some games that will probably never work for the 360. Now that Xbox One is here the 360 being updated for that is even less likely.
I just checked the list on Wikipedia and Ghost Recon is on there! I sold most of my Xbox original games and could only find my Ghost Recon one. I'll be playing that for sure tonight.
Sadly, there are many games that are incompatible but im sure there is a list of others that work. Its really disheartening when one of the classic games you like doesnt work :( Your best luck is to try and find your original Xbox or maybe buy one online if youre really determined to play those games.
It's really fun how that works, because you might think that because it's the same company. why the hell would previous software, which requires a lot less resources have problems to port it into newer systems?

Well just think of how a game like Rome: Total War is odd to run and everything. The Xbox isnt as versatile as computers are in playing tons of different games so even though it sounds ridiculous, there is probably a really reasonable explanation for it. Im no hardware developer but im guessing it cant be as simple as "Its an older version of the one we just made so it should work!"
It's really fun how that works, because you might think that because it's the same company. why the hell would previous software, which requires a lot less resources have problems to port it into newer systems?
Or even just all of one gen (Original Xbox for example) not work. I don't understand why some don't work...
I really wish backward compatibility was available to most systems.
I never realized this, I thought all were unplayable. I will have to go check the list!
I never realized this, I thought all were unplayable. I will have to go check the list!

Nope! There are actually a ton of them that ARE playable from what i know, there are only a few that you cant play. Instead of looking at a list maybe you should just search the game you want to know works or not is compatible? A full game of Xbox Original games would take forever to look through haha