Xbox 360 Persona 4 Arena Achievements


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Persona 4 Arena Achievements

Persona 4 Arena is another fighting game developed by Arc System Works. Their previous products known as Guilty Gear and BlazBlu have become pretty popular and following a tradition of creating amazing games, Arc System Works has made a decision to treat its supporters with the Persona 4 Arena. Persona 4 Arena has burst onto the Fighting Game scene in Japan and become one of the most popular Fighting Games. Luckily, due to the numerous requests, Persona 4 Arena was brought to the American market so that American virtual fighters could enjoy the power of martial arts and not only. Moreover, all of the insane character designs from the 13 warriors of Persona 4 Arena will be at your disposal which sounds like an amazing treat. If you are not familiar with a Persona, it might make you feel uncomfortable in some situations connected with the control layouts. But don’t worry – you will figure everything out with time.

All in all there are 50 achievements that have to be unlocked and trust me – it won’t be easy. On the complexity scale this game deserves 9 out of 10 and you will get what I mean from the very first duel. Luckily, a greater part of those achievements, 43 to be exact, can be unlocked offline while the other 7 have to be finished online. In total, for your efforts you are supposed to get 1000G points which will take about 50+ hours of gameplay.


Below are the achievements for “Persona 4 Arena”, along with the number of achievement points you’ll receive and a summary on how to get each achievement.

Persona 4 Arena Achievements
There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points.

Perfect! (10)
You had a perfect victory in Arcade Mode or online.

This should be an easy one: all you have to do is to defeat your opponent in Arcade Mode or Online without receiving any damage. If you set your difficulty to easy, you are going to get this achievement pretty fast and pretty easy. You can also try to get it with a friend. In this case – things will flow even easier.

BAM! (30)
You used every character's Instant Kill move in Arcade Mode or online!

Every character in the game has his/her own Instant Kill move. Your task is to use every character's Instant Kill move in Arcade Mode or online. Difficult-to-land Instant Kill move is a powerful weapon which instantly defeats your opponent and ends the match. Keep it in mind that they can only be performed on match points or your winning rounds and take up to 100 SP. They can be activated by pressing Down on the D-pad three times and then using both Persona buttons.

Your character is going to enter an Awakening State when his health level falls lower than 35%. In Awakening State your character will be signified by a red SP Gauge that will extend to 150 and gain an extra 50 immediately. In this state your character will suffer less damage and will get a new Super or two exclusive to that stat.

Before you start fighting, you might wanna set the number of rounds to 1. This will help you to unlock the achievement faster and easier. Do not forget that you can use a Gold Burst on an opponent when he’s not blocking – this will give you a full meter. Once you are set and ready - press D Down three times + “YB” to unleash your Instant Kill. Do the very same thing with all 13 characters.

When playing as Elizabeth and Shadow Labrys, you need to know that they have a bit different Instant Kills and, obviously, they need to be performed differently. Elizabeth's Instant Kill is a Counter Move which means that your character has to be hit a few times. Only after that you will be able to activate your Instant Kill. You can attempt to do that on Hell difficulty in Arcade Mode or boost it online. To perform the move itself, you need to press D Down three times + “XA” twice. The first time to start up the Instant Kill and the second time do that near the opponent to actually make the move.


Victory Cry (20)

You won 30 Rounds in Arcade Mode or Online by using SP Skills or Awakened SP Skills.

To unlock this achievement you will need to finish a round by defeating your opponent with an SP Skill or Awakened SP Skill. You can do SP Skills whenever you want as long as you meter is at 50 or above. Awakened SP Skills can only be done while in Awakened Mode. If you are not sure what to do, press the Pause and check out the Move List. Here’s a nice example of Yosuke's SP Skills:

Garudyne (Green Tornado): ↓→↘↓→↘ + “Y” or “B”
Sakukuaja: ↓↙←↓↙← + “Y” or “B”

During the fight keep your eyes on the meter and wait until it gets to 50. Now, get your opponent down to very low health, perform the Garudyne and finish the round with this move. Now, repeat this strategy for 29 more times and get 20G points for unlocking this achievement.

There is an easy way to get things done and here’s what you need to do: Go to “Options” > Set the number of rounds in arcade Mode to 5 > Choose Easy difficulty. If you do everything right, you might even perform 30 SP Skills or Awakened SP Skills in one Arcade Run.

Meat Dimension (20)

You defeated an opponent in Arcade Mode or online before he Awakened! Now, that's a real challenge!

In Arcade Mode set the difficulty to Easy and the number of Rounds to 1. This will help to get things faster and make everything simpler. Start the match and run to your opponent as fast as possible. When close, press the “LS” button to activate Gold Burst. If your opponent was not blocking your attack, you will gain a full meter allowing you to do your Instant Kill move. Continue hitting your opponent until he dies and enjoy the achievement. For more information you can also see the “BAM!” achievement.

u003e You Should Leave Him Be... (10)

You were afflicted with every ailment in Arcade Mode or online. Not even Mr. Edogawa can help you.

All in all there are 7 ailments and to complete this achievement you will have to be afflicted with all of them in Arcade Mode or online.
1. Poison
2. Confusion
3. Fear
4. Silence
5. Enraged
6. Paralysis
7. Charmed

There are certain characters in the game who have Special Moves that will inflict these ailments on you. If you plan to take advantage of their possibilities, you should set up an Online game with a friend and pick one of the following characters.
Press the “A” + “B” button combination and perform a Fake Bear. This will inflict “Enraged”. But remember – this is a counter move and it will require your opponent to hit you in order to connect.
Perform his Tentarafoo move by pressing ↓↘→ + “Y”. If done well, it will inflict “Confusion”.
You need to perform Naoto’s Anit-S SP Pistol Alpha. This can be done by pressing ↓↘→↓↘→ + “X” and will inflict “Silence”. In order to perform the move you will have to have 50 SP Skill meter.
You need to perform Elizabeth's Shuffle Time move. This can be done by pressing “A” + “B” at the same time. Elizabeth will help you to get Charm, Fear, Poison and even Confusion from this simple move. Result depends on her meter. And, with enough meter you can also expect to inflict “Shock.” For that you need to perform her Maziodyne move by pressing ↓↘→ + “XA”.

Calm Down. (10)

You suffered a Persona Break in Arcade Mode or online. It happens to everybody...

This is an easy one: start the fight and do nothing. Well, almost nothing. You need to cause a Persona Break. This can be done whenever you have your Persona on the field and it is attacked. Your Persona assist will be represented by blue cards near your health gauge. When you lose all four cards, you will enter Persona Break stage. In this condition some of your attacks like Specials and Supers, Bursts and else won’t be available.

To recover from a Persona Break, you will need 10 seconds. During this time Persona Gauge will refill and you will be back on your feet. Also, after your Persona Gauge is refilled – you will leave Persona Break. You can be easily sent into Persona Break if you set the difficulty to Hell.

Persona Breaker (10)

You created 10 Persona Breaks in Arcade Mode or online.

Persona Breaks are initiated when you attack your opponent’s Persona on the field. Persona assist will be represented by blue cards near the health gauge. When your opponent loses all four cards, his assist will enter Persona Break stage. You will likely unlock this naturally in Arcade Mode or online. Make your opponent send his Persona by pressing ”Y” or “B” buttons and if the timing is good, you will land a Persona Break on your opponent’s Persona. And don’t worry – you are not going to miss it because it will appear in Red letters to let you know you successfully did one. Now repeat this for 9 more times and enjoy the freshly unlock achievement.! (10)

Have you burned your dread? Or reached out to the truth?

In order to get this you will have to actually let your opponent beat you. Well, not entirely but 2/3 of your health has to be beaten out. This will become possible once your health has been depleted down to 35%. When you are low on health, you will get a heightened defense and access to new SP Skills. Also, you are going to receive a meter Boost.

Null Physical (20)

You performed 50 Instant Blocks in Arcade Mode or online.

Instant Blocks help you to survive and save your life. They need to be performed just before your opponents will try to hit you by pressing away from them. You will be notified with the successful outcome by the white flash. If you plan to unlock it while playing the Arcade Mode, get prepared to face some serious resistance. On the other hand – Online Boosting will be much easier here.

Boosting Method

One of the ways to get things done is to choose Aigis with her 7[SUP]th[/SUP] Gen Radical Cannon. Start up a Player Match, Get both players to the very left or right of the stage and press ↓↙← + in-game A/B. Right when the cannon ball is about to connect, block it by pressing away from your opponent at the very last second. If done correctly, you will flash white and get an Instant Block. Do that for 50 times in total and unlock the achievement.

One More! (10)

You performed 20 One More Bursts in Arcade Mode or online.

To unlock this achievement, you will have to perform One More Burst for 20 times. The burst itself can be done by clicking down on the “LS” button or by a simple combination of “X” + “Y” + “B” while performing an attack to immediately cancel your attack into a One More! Burst. Depending on when and how they are used, One More Burst can affect your opponent differently.
- Upscale damage scaling, meaning further hits in the combo will do more damage than they usually do;
- Blow the opponent into the air on hit, allowing for an easy combo.

If you need to know, there are different kinds of Bursts. The one described above is a Regular Burst.
Max Burst (Gold Burst) – can be performed when your Burst Gauge is full. Burst while being in neutral position and if you do everything right, you will blow back your opponent. Also, whenever you perform a Max Burst, your SP Gauge maxes out and your Burst Gauge takes less time to refill.
Reversal Burst – is the most harmless Burst of all and is used while you're being attacked or in hit stun. Burst itself won’t bring you any benefit nor will it harm your opponent but it will push him off and, obviously, will break his combo.

But no matter the Burst, they all count as Persona moves. This also means that if the player cannot use his/her Persona, via Persona Break or Silence, he/she cannot burst.
Now, to complete the achievement itself, you must perform One More Bursts for 20 times. You can attempt to do that while playing offline or online – it won’t matter. Attack your opponent with the “X” button and then click the LS stick after you get a full Burst meter. This will let you to send your opponent into the air and will count as a successful Burst.

Die for Me! (10)

You performed 30 Fatal Counters in Arcade Mode or online.

If you are not sure what is identified as a Fatal Counter, hit Pause and check character’s Move List. You will see the list of hits and combinations that can cause Fatal Counters. Fatal Counters themselves happen when you hit your opponent on counter hit with a move from your character. A great example is Elizabeth's Shuffle Time throw but every hero has one of its own. You need to perform 30 Fatal Counters to unlock this achievement. For more information you might wanna take a look at “All-Out-Attack to the MAX!” achievement.

All-Out Attack to the MAX! (10)

You finished an All-Out Attack with a Fatal Counter in Arcade Mode or online.

All-Out-Attacks aka All-Out-Rush can be done by pressing the in-game “A” + “B” buttons. You character will flash white and then will perform an overhead attack. Also, this attack will automatically guard against enemy attacks, but not against throws and supers. This will be useful in lots of situation, especially when you would like to stop mashing opponents. Some All Out Rushes are easy to react to, while others are much more difficult. But remember: if your opponent blocks your All-Out-Attack, you might get into trouble because All-Out-Rush attacks have lots of recovery.

To unlock the achievement, you will have to perform all 15 hits by mashing the “X” and “A” buttons. If you do it fast and right, you will put your opponent into the Fatal Counter state and 10 achievement points will be yours.

All Out Attacks Tips
- If you see your opponent standing or crouching, rapidly press the “X” or the “A” buttons and do more hits (only 15 are allowed).
- If you press the “Y” button at a proper moment, you will be able to send your opponent in the air and perform an air combo. As a rule, this is done in the mid-screen.
- If you press the “B” button, it will knock the opponent far away and can wallbounce in the corner. This is a perfect way to start using combos.
- Hitting opponents while they are airborne will make them bounce off the ground and will allow you to perform a brief combo afterwards which can’t be bad.

Time for the All-Out Attack! (10)

You performed 100 All-Out Attacks in Arcade Mode or online.

In order to perform an overhead initiation attack, press the in-game “A” + “B” combination. If your character flashed in white it means that you’ve done everything right. Attacking your opponent with this move should knock him/her into a daze. Repeat this strategy for 100 times in total and achievement will become yours rather sooner than later. Also, you can simply spam “X” + “A” on the CPU in Arcade and unlock it in no time.

Action! (10)

You performed 100 Furious Actions in Arcade Mode or online.

Unlocking this achievement will require you to do 100 Furious Actions across Arcade or Online Mode. I personally thing that this is not fair to give only 10G points for something like this but hey – this is life and it’s cruel. As expected, every character has a Furious Action (aka Reversal Action) of his own. It can be done by pressing the in-game BD buttons. Furious Action is a defensive action and allows your character to overturn the tide of battle and show your opponent who’s a real fighter and who’s just pretending. But you need to keep in mind that performing this move is a risky activity because it takes a part of your life which turns into blue life. It can be healed over time but you need to be safe and not hit by your opponent.

One of the easiest ways to get it is to perform Furious Actions continually by pressing “LB” or “A” + “B” buttons in battle until this unlocks. A great example is Yu's Big Gamble attack or Labrys' 5th Gen Axe Slash. Repeat this move for at least 100 times and you will get your achievement.

Stylish! 10

You performed 100 Auto Combos in Arcade Mode or online.

Stylish! achievement is easy to get and probably this is why you receive only 10G points for unlocking it. Auto Combos can be performed by simply pressing the in-game “A” repeatedly. Technically, all you need to do is to tap the “X” after a successful first hit and your rhythmic hitting will turn into an awesomely looking super combo. Every character in the game has a special Auto Combo which means you can obtain this by playing with whomever you want. But do not forget that you need to do this 100 times in Arcade Mode or online. Only after this you will get the pop up message notifying you about the successful achievement.

Wild (10)

You have used all the characters in Arcade Mode or Online. Variety is good for you!

This is game related and can hardly be missed. You will unlock the achievement while going for “Belt Collector” achievement.

Replay Reviewer (10)

You watched a Replay in the Theater. Are you as good as you remember?

This is one of the most pleasant achievements in the game. Your task is really simple: watch your fights in the Theater. While playing online, there is an option to save your fights and replay them later. In order to do so, enter any fight online, play it (you do not even have to win) and when you’re finished, you will be offered either to save or to skip the replay. Obviously, press “Save.” Now, enter the Main Menu, open Theater and watch you previously saved Replay. Achievement will unlock automatically after you finish watching the replay.

Serious Gamer (40)

You have reached Level 30 by playing online matches!

And again – another exciting achievement that will take a lot of time to complete. Your task is to level up one of your characters (pick the one you like the most) to Level 30 in online matches. You can also boost it in Player Matches but you won’t get that many points. Ranked matches are recommended because they will award more points and will bring you the achievement faster. There is also a number of factors that affect how much you rank up per match. Let’s take a look at them closer:

- Perfect Match
- Straight Victory
- Perfect Victory
- Instant Kill Finish
- Basic Win/Loss Points
- First Attack
- No Bursts
- SP Skill Finish

As it was mentioned at the beginning, you can pick whomever you want to complete this achievement but Yu might be a better character because of his all-around game. If you are still having troubles getting to the Level 30 – you might try to boost it with your friend but in this case you will need a friend and two Turbo Controllers.

Turbo Boosting Method

Here’s an interesting method that will tell you a secret on how to speed up things and get the achievement faster. So, let’s get down to business:
1. Get to Xbox Dashboard;
2. Scroll over to Settings > System > Console Settings;
3. Choose language for both players and set their location to “South Africa”;
4. Start Persona 4 Arena;
5. Decide between yourself who is going to be a Losing player;
6. Ask the Losing player to go to Options > Button Settings;
7. Re-map the “A” button to an unassigned action such as "Record" or "Play";
8. Head into Network Mode;
9. With the Winning player select Yukiko and Turbo down X and A. This maneuver will allow her to repeatedly use the All Out Attack;
10. Search each other under Custom Ranked match with Region Settings set to “Same Region Only”;
11. Start the match and you should match up and Yukiko will spam her AoA until the losing player is dead. This trick will end matches pretty fast and will automatically start another one in a while. You can even leave this on overnight or for a couple of hours if you want to. But firstly check if everything goes the way it was planned;
12. Once you reach Level 30 – save your progress and enjoy the achievement.

Black Belt (40)

You have reached Grade C in Ranked Matches.

You will be graded for your progress in online matches. From the very beginning you are going to start with an F. The main principle here is pretty simple: the more you win – the faster you climb on the progress ladder and the better your grades are. But even if you lose in 40% - don’t worry, you will still get the achievement – just a bit later. Ranked matches bring more points but you can also earn this by playing Player matches.

They Call Me... (10)

You've created a Title for your online matches.

Go to the “Main Menu” > Hit up Network Mode > Go to “Player Title”. Now, from here you can create and edit your own and unique Title. You should name it somehow special but if you can’t think of anything – use the Auto-Edit option. Save your changes, press “B” to exit and enjoy another achievement.

Speak with Your Fists! (30)

You've battled against every character in online matches. You're a grizzly'd warrior now!

You should unlock this naturally but if you are still not sure what to do – fight with all the 13 Characters from Persona 4 Arena in online matches. Earning this one is not hard but it might take some time. The best option is to find a friend and ask him to help you. He can play with all 13 characters against you. You do not even have to win! You can keep a checklist of all the characters in the game and mark them off as you go. Here’s the list of fellows you will be fighting with:

1. Aigis
2. Akihiko Sanada
3. Chie Satonaka
4. Elizabeth
5. Kanji Tatsumi
6. Labrys
7. Mitsuru Kirijo
8. Naoto Shirogane
9. Shadow Labrys
10. Teddie
11. Yosuke Hanamura
12. Yu Narukami
13. Yukiko Amagi

Veteran (30)

You have completed 100 online matches, win or lose. No bear puns here. Congrats.

Logical, self-explanatory and will come to you naturally. Start playing online and complete 100 matches. This shouldn’t be done in a row and you are not supposed to be a winner – just progress through the game and keep playing until you win or lose (or both) 100 matches. There is a great possibility that you will unlock this while going for other achievements.

Amazing, Sensei! (20)

You've earned your first online victory! You've bear-ly scratched the surface.

You are going to get this naturally with your first successful fight online. Just start the match and win it with any character in any possible way. For more information you can take a look at the “Serious Gamer” achievement.

Combo Crazy (80)

You have completed all the Challenges! Funky Student would be proud.

Every character in the game is supposed to complete 30 challenges and as far as there are 13 characters, you will have to complete the whole set of 390 challenges. This will be one of the most time consuming achievements but it is totally worth it. To make things easier, Persona 4 Arena offers you a demonstration option which can be viewed by pressing “RT”. Use this helper to get the timing and spacing for trials you have troubleы with. Now, the challenges themselves can be divided into 3 groups:

Challenges 1-10: they cover all the basic things like Special Moves and SP Skills. Pretty easy to get.
Challenges 11-20: they usually contain auto-combos and shorter combos.
Challenges 21-30: the last ten are the most complicated challenges and contain long, complex combos with tighter links. You will have to practice a lot to be good at performing combos.
Challenge #30: The last Challenge #30 will always involve an Expert Challenge. The main task of this one is to complete a combo fulfilling specific requirements such as 10,000 damage combos, 150-hit combos, and more. Also, you won’t be allowed to use the “RT” button to see a demo which is kind of bad. The Expert Trials will require some creativity and serious effort but to make thing a bit easier, you can and should check the video below.

General Challenge Tips
- Some of the challenges can be performed only in the corner or mid-screen, so make sure to follow that rule and press the “Back” button in order to reset the position.
- A greater part of the challenges mentioned is height based, so make sure to keep that in mind and follow all the rules shown in demos.
- In some challenges you will be forced to hold down buttons mid-trial. This might not be very comfortable, so make sure you re-map some buttons to make these easier for you.
- In some challenges you can pause the fight to help hit tighter links. But, this is not recommended and can even bring a totally different effect.


Combo Master (40)

You have completed 300 Challenges.

Every hero has 30 challenges that you need to complete. If you plan to unlock this achievement, you need to finish all challenges with 10 characters. For more information regarding this achievement see “Combo Crazy”.

I Learned a Few Moves (20)

You have completed 150 Challenges.

Every hero has 30 challenges that you need to complete. If you plan to unlock this achievement, you need to finish all challenges with 5 characters. I would recommend to start with the following characters as far as their challenges are pretty easy to get.

1. Akihiko
2. Shadow Labrys
3. Labrys
4. Teddie

For more information regarding this achievement see “Combo Crazy”.

I Mastered that One (40)

You have completed all of one character's Challenges!

Every hero has 30 combo challenges that you need to complete in order to unlock this achievement. This is not something hard but for a couple of times I failed a few challenges and was forced to replay them. So, I would recommend to clear challenges by playing with the following characters (challenges for those characters are pretty easy to finish):

1. Akihiko
2. Shadow Labrys
3. Labrys
4. Teddie

For more information regarding this achievement see “Combo Crazy”.

Trained in Seclusion (10)

You spent 30 minutes in Training in one sitting. Now take it to the streets!

To unlock this achievement you will need to spend 30 minutes in Training Mode but not just by standing and doing nothing – you will have to show some serious fighting skills in order to get things done. Of course, you shouldn't expect something complicated or almost unachievable but at the same time you won’t be bored – trust me. Here are some things that you might wanna try doing in the Training Mode:

- Mindlessly beat up the practice dummy;
- Prepare for Online Mode;
- Practice some combos;
- Use a Turbo controller and set the turbo on an action button until this unlocks.

Even if you are not excited about the Training Mode, do not forget that this game is built on practice and the better you know your combos – the faster you can beat your opponents and unlock achievements. It wouldn't hurt to unlock this naturally while practicing for Score Attack opponents if you set the CPU dummy to level 100 difficulty. This will unlock upon reaching 30 minutes of action in Training Mode.

The Angel (10)

Aigis' Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very touchy. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. But still, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Aigis and her story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Aigis and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish her story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.


The Boxer (10)

Akihiko's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Akihiko and his story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Akihiko and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish his story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.


The Queen (10)

Mitsuru's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Mitsuru and her story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Mitsuru and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish her story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.


The Detective (10)

Naoto's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Naoto and her story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Naoto and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish her story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.


The Beast (10)

Teddie's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Teddie and his story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Teddie and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish his story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.






The Emperor (10)

Kanji's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Kanji and his story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Kanji and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish his story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.


The Unconquerable (10)

Yukiko's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Yukiko and her story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Yukiko and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish her story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.


The Captain (10)

Yosuke's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Yosuke and his story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Yosuke and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish his story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.


The Carnivore (10)

Chie's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

If you want to get Chie's Story achievement, you will have to select the bottom option “Keep looking for the girl” earlier into her story. By doing so you will branch out the Story to her non-alternate ending and, obviously, will make unlocking the achievement possible.


The Kingpin (10)

Yu's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Yu and his story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Yu and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish his story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.
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School's Out (10)

You've aced all the tests.

Unlocking this achievement will reward you for being a good student with 10G points. It is always nice to be paid for studying. Your task is pretty simple: you need to complete 46 lessons that will teach you how to fight. If you are not familiar with fighting games and P4 Arena, this is a must for you. But even if you know everything about fighting games and P4 Arena – it won’t be bad to recollect a few things in your mind. You can access the Lesson Mode from the Main Menu. When you finish a lesson you will automatically move on to the next one. Now, to see what you are going to deal with, here’s the list of Lessons you will have to face with your hero. When you complete the last one – the achievement will be yours.

1. Walking
2. Crouching
3. Jumping
4. Weak Attack
5. Strong Attack
6. Weak Persona
7. Strong Persona
8. Standing Block
9. Crouching Block
10. Air Block
11. Dash
12. Backstep
13. High Jump
14. Aerial Dash
15. Air Recovery
16. Ground Recovery
17. Auto Combo
18. P Combo
19. All-Out Attack > Launch
20. All-Out Attack > Blowback
21. Sweep
22. Furious Action
23. Throw
24. Air Throw
25. Throw Escape
26. Skills
27. Skill Boost
28. SP Skills
29. Awakening
30. Awakened SP Skills
31. Reversal Burst
32. Max Burst
33. Evasive Action
34. Hop
35. Aerial Turn
36. Persona Break
37. Frozen State
38. Ailment - Shock
39. Ailment - Panic
40. Negative Penalty
41. Guard Cancel
42. Instant Block
43. Super Cancel
44. One More Cancel
45. One More Burst
46. Instant Kill

C'est Magnifique! (80)

You completed Score Attack Mode with all characters.

Without any doubt, this achievement can be officially announced to be the hardest one. First of all, because it will take you a lot of time to get to the finish line plus – you will have to complete Score Attack Mode 13 times with every of those 13 fighters. You won’t be allowed to use the second controller to save you as it is a Single Player only mode and in most cases you won’t be allowed to lower the difficulty. Also, via your progress though the game you will face 13 opponents and they are going to appear in the following order:

1. Yosuke
2. Naoto
3. Yukiko
4. Teddie
5. Kanji
6. Chie
7. Mitsuru
8. Akihiko
9. Aigis
10. Yu
11. Shadow Labrys
12. Labrys
13. Elizabeth

While dealing with your opponents, you will likely unlock a few more achievements.
To make things easier, I would like to offer you some tips that should make the whole fighting thing flow faster.

General Tips

Usually, every fighting (and not only) game has a certain number of simple strategies that might not look shocking but help you finish your job pretty fast. It is not interesting to apply them when you are looking for crazy fights and unexpected outcomes but it is not a bad idea to turn to those methods when you have to complete Score Attack Mode with all 13 characters.

- Keep an eye on your opponent’s meter and if it’s at 50 or higher, there is a great possibility that your opponent will use powerful SP Skills.
- Instant Kills can actually change the outcome, so use them whenever you can.
- Remember about your Burst attacks but utilize them wisely. In most cases your opponent will try to win the round by suffocating you with combos. Well, this is a perfect time to perform a Burst attack on him and save yourself from losing the fight.
- It also might be a good idea to save your Burst attack for the winning round. This can actually save you from getting into trouble and probably will win you the round: you can Gold Burst on your opponent to set up for an Instant Kill.
- Maybe, not the most honest but pretty useful method to anticipate your opponent’s attacks is to Pause the game. In most cases this will help you to turn the initiative on your side.

Practice Method

Practice is, probably, the only thing that will bring you to the victory. The principle here is more than simple: the more your train, the better you get and experience is your friend against the A.I in Score Attack. The best place to gain this experience is the Training Mode. Also, if you actually want to get stronger and not just show how you can beat up fellows on the Easy difficulty, there is a way to practice against the Hell difficulty A.I. and this, my friend, is something that will make you hate the game. Well, at least for the first 10 minutes. Now, here’s what you need to do to take the most of the game:

1. Go to Training Mode and pick the character you need to train with versus whatever other character you feel you need the most practice against.
2. When the training starts, press the “Start” button. There will appear an option to set the CPU difficulty to 100. Do that but also do not forget to set the dummy to CPU. This will make your opponent fight similar to the way he does in Score Attack but minus the buffs. If you are serious about completing this game as a fighter master, this practice will turn into a valuable lesson for you. First of all – you will get to know your opponents better. Secondly, by pressing the “Back” button to reset the match, you will see what moves your opponent prefers and how often he uses them. In some cases your enemies can be very and very predictable which also means that with time you will be able to see what move he/she is going to perform and block or at least jump away from it. Trust me – nothing helps in this game like training.

Tres Bien! (30)

You completed Score Attack Mode with one character.

The only way to unlock this achievement is to complete Score Attack Mode with one character. Score Attack Mode is harder than the Arcade Mode because the AI here is smarter and fights here get tougher. You should check “C'est Magnifique!” for more information.

Halfway There (20)

You completed Stage 6 in Score Attack.

To complete this achievement you will have to defeat Chie – your 6[SUP]th[/SUP] opponent in Score Attack Mode. You will get to this guy right before you face Mitsuru. For some general tips and other useful things you might wanna check the “C'est Magnifique” achievement.

Belt Collector (80)

You completed Arcade Mode with all characters.

“Belt Collector” is like an advanced “Champion!” achievement and to unlock it you will have to complete Arcade Mode with all characters unlike one in the “Champion.” All in all there are 13 characters in Persona 4 Arena and with each character you will be forced to win 9 fights. Don’t worry – they are pretty easy to win, especially if you know the technique given you in the “Lesson Mode.” To make things easier, go to Main Menu > Options > Game Options and set Game Difficulty to “Beginner” and Number of Rounds (Arcade): 1 round to win.

Arcade Mode is quite short and usually it will take you no more than 10 minutes to win all 10 fights for one character. If everything flows well, you will spend about 130 minutes completing this achievement. You shouldn't have any problems unlocking this achievement but if you do – try to hit the “A” button as much as possible. This will force your hero to perform his/her Auto-Combo. If you are successful and your Combo does not appear blocked – you will get much closer to the aim.

Another useful method to get things done is to use your Burst at the start of each match by running to your opponent and the “LS” button. If you perform it right, your Burst attack will connect with your opponent and you will receive a full meter enabling you to hit your SP Skills and Instant Kill move. To perform an Instant Kill you need to press the Down Down Down + “C” “D”. But as far as some combo inputs may vary, you might wanna check the right combination in the Main Menu by going to the “Move List.”

Champion! (10)

You completed Arcade Mode with one character.

Complete Arcade Mode with any hero you like and this will unlock the achievement. As a matter of fact – this is another easy achievement that you can get in no time (which is 10 minutes or so). Arcade mode consists of 9 fights with dialogues in-between. For more information on how to complete this achievement, you can check the “Belt Collector”.

You know the Midnight Channel? (10)

Tuned In

You will get this automatically for simply loading up Persona 4 Arena for the first time. Once you get to the Main Menu, the pop up message should appear on your screen. But don’t get too excited – unlocking achievements THAT easy won’t be regular.

Secret Achievements

Denied Pets (10)
You lost in Arcade Mode or online before you Awakened... That's sad. Here's a consolation prize.

To unlock this achievement all you have to do is to lose without entering Awakening Mode. This can be easily done when playing online with a friend. Set the match to 1 Round only. Ask your friend to perform an Instant Kill and enjoy the achievement. Or simply stand and wait for your opponent to send you in a knockout.

Mystery Food X (10)

Mystery Food X is yours!

To unlock this achievement you will need to pick up Teddie's poison food. He will drop it in either Arcade or Online modes. Now, pick Teddie and press the “B” button to make his Persona toss different items onto the field. Keep pressing “B” until you see a plate of food resembling chocolate and vanilla ice cream. This is your Mystery Food X. Pick it up and get the achievement.

The End of Everything (40)

You have seen all the Story endings.

In order to unlock this one you will have to complete Story Modes for all characters. Here’s the list of achievements you need to complete:
1. The Kingpin
2. The Carnivore
3. The Captain
4. The Unconquerable
5. The Emperor
6. The Beast
7. The Detective
8. The Queen
9. The Boxer
10. The Angel
11. The President
12. The Elevator Attendant
13. The End of Everything

For a bit more detailed information do not forget to check the “Kingpin” achievement.

The Elevator Attendant (10)

Elizabeth's Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.

Another thing you need to know about this achievement is that you probably won’t get it from the first story run. You see, your heroes have that little something called “Cliffhanger Storyline” that is a part of Character’s Main Story line but does not appear at the beginning. For example, Elizabeth and her story. Despite your expectations, after you finish his Story Mode, you still won’t get the achievement. Firstly, you need to complete Labrys' Story Mode which will unlock the Cliffhanger arc for each character that has one. Now, you can get back to Elizabeth and start from the Cliffhanger option the game gives you. Finish her story from the Cliffhanger point and you will get the desired achievement. And remember that every hero who has a Cliffhanger will require you replaying the Story Line. I know – it sucks a bit but on the other hand – you will gain more practice which can’t be bad.


The President (10)
Labrys' Story chapter has been told.

Every hero in the game has a Story Chapter of his own. For all story-related achievements you will be forced to clear all 13 Characters’ Story Modes from the very beginning to the very end. Frankly speaking, I enjoyed the Story Mode a lot because it is interesting and sometimes very unexpected. However, if you are not into reading long texts, you can always skip the lines by pressing the “RB” button. However, I would recommend you to at least take a general idea by reading at least something. As the story progresses, you will have to fight with different opponents but those fights will be pretty easy to win. If not – set your difficulty to the allowed minimum.
Labrys' Story is, probably, one of the most important stories in the game because it opens bonus missions for other characters and only after completing her story you will be able to fully complete the stories of others. So, as soon as Labrys' Story becomes available – complete it and get back to fully complete the others.

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