Xbox 360 Pros of the Kinect


Aug 7, 2012
I really like that you don't need a headset..that's the main advantage! And it's awesome for sports games. What are your opinions? What are some of the biggest advantages of having a kinect?
Yes, the Kinect is great for sports games but I can't imagine playing NBA 2K13 using the device. It's great for dance and other movement games. The Kinect is good because you don't need a controller to play a game. This reduces accidents like unintentionally throwing the controller (like the wii) or tripping over controller wires and it's definitely good for kids. P.S. what do you men with "don/t need a headset"?
Well you do have to stand 24/7 and you sound like a squeaker... -_-
Anyways the advantage is.....getting in shape I guess...
Yes, the Kinect is great for sports games but I can't imagine playing NBA 2K13 using the device. It's great for dance and other movement games. The Kinect is good because you don't need a controller to play a game. This reduces accidents like unintentionally throwing the controller (like the wii) or tripping over controller wires and it's definitely good for kids. P.S. what do you men with "don/t need a headset"?

The OP meant that you don't need to stick a headset into the controller because the Kinect has a mic built in it.
Kinect is really good at seeing your hands and your motion. It also has that dot technology you hear about a lot. It does a really good job of keeping your motions fluid in the game as well.
I like the Kinect because it makes you actually work to play. It gets me up and moving and unlike the Wii you can't cheat it at all. The cons are that sometimes it doesn't pick you up and you have to jump around to get it to see you.
The Kinect definitely does have many distinct advantages. It is awesome for certain sports and dance video games. Truth be told, some of the dancing games can kick my butt! If I did it long enough, I am sure it could whip me into shape.