Xbox 360 Rage Cheats


New Member
Aug 28, 2012
Below you will find Rage cheats. Cheats typically create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, usually to make the game easier.

Rage Unlockables/Cheats

Easy money
In Subway Town, you can buy rotating deals from Stew. There are times you will purchase items at a discount, after which you can sell them immediately at Jani's Supplies for a higher price. For example, you can buy Viper Rockets for $66 from Stew, and then sell to Jani for $75. Repeat this as much as desired.

Picking up distant items with a scope
Equip your pistol, and aim at an item with the scope (monocular). As you release LT, tap [Pick Up] quickly and repeatedly. If you get it right, you should pick up the item and add it to your inventory. Note: This glitch requires an unpatched version of the game. You can use the "Clear hard drive cache" code for the Xbox 360 to delete all patches for the game.

Hidden Doom room
In the Gearhead Vault, inside the office where you fight the two Gearhead Bosses, you must interact with seven different computer keyboards. You are not prompted to interact with the keyboards, but you will hear a sound from Doom when you activate a keyboard successfully, and a Doom demon growl sound once you have activated all seven. After this, head back towards the Gearhead Vault's exit (beginning of the level). Open the door, and jump on top of the barrel to your left. Next, jump on top of the box in front of the door, and crouch to enter. Inside, you will find a platform that will teleport you to the secret Doom room, where you will find a Marine Bobblehead item that you can sell for $150.

Hidden Quake room
After completing all missions related to the Wasted Garage location, use the fifth floor Radio Tower entrance to enter the Wasted Garage, and descend to the fourth floor. There are three buttons you must activate. There is a room near the staircase to the fifth floor and inside it is a red workbench. Crouch down beside it, and press [Interact] to activate the first button. You will not be prompted to press the buttons, but you will hear a sound from Quake when you activate a button. The second button is on the third floor, in a small room. Look under a filing cabinet in the corner of the room. It is quite hidden so you will have to crouch down and squeeze up against the right wall. The final button is on the second floor, past where you retrieved the Distributor Cap from the vehicle, beneath a nightstand drawer. To activate it, crouch down and press [Interact]. Once you have activated all three buttons, go to the dead end stairwell on the second floor. Enter the secret Quake room through the activated portal near the mattress with the Quake graffiti. Inside the secret room you will find the Shambler Plush item, which you can sell for $150.

Hidden Wolfenstein room
During the first mission ("Ghost Hideout"), after reviving yourself using the defibrillator following your ambush, go and kill all the enemies in the next area. Find the flat screen TV and stand to the right of it in the corner. Press [Interact] to open a hidden door to the secret Wolfenstein room. You will not be prompted to interact with the door. Inside the secret room you will find the Wolf Goblet item, which you can sell for $150. Note: You can only access this room during the mission, since the area will be closed off after that.

Blake Griffin Bobblehead
The Blake Griffin Bobblehead is on Mayor Redstone's desk on the top floor of Subway Town. There was an ad campaign where Blake Griffin of the LA Clippers campaigned to get himself into Rage. You can sell it for $150 dollars.

Doom Bobblehead
There is a Doom Bobblehead in Dan Hagar's buggy. However, it cannot be collected.

Fallout 3 Bobblehead
A Vault Boy Bobblehead is inside the Wellspring Mayor's Office. This is a reference to Fallout 3. You can sell it for $150 dollars.

Breaking Bad reference
Inside the holding cell in the sheriff's building in Wellspring, on the shelf across from the prisoners, you will find the cube that was presented to Hank Schrader with Tuco's "Grill" in it.

Doom 3 reference
To the northwest of Mutant Bash TV Studio, and up a hill, is Crazy Joe's place by a swamp (with Night Blossoms in it). You will find a hermit named Crazy Joe wearing a Doom 3 t-shirt.

Easy "Dev Graffiti" achievement
After you reach Subway Town, you will find a NPC named Dietrich, behind Jani's Supplies. He will ask you to go on a quest to the Abandoned Distillery. This is where the secret "Developer Graffiti" room is located. The room has developer signatures and other graffiti, including artwork shaped into an "Id" symbol. Note: You can only access the room during this mission since the area will be closed off after that.

Easy "It's Good!" achievement
While on the ATV, go to the following three locations, find the indicated barrier, and ram the ATV into to fly off it and go through the field goal to get the "It's Good!" achievement. The first field goal is located at the Ark Emergence site. The second is found past the Bash TV Studio, to the far west. The third is located near the Northern Watch Tower. Be careful when going to this location, as enemies can kill you quickly with rockets.
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