Xbox 360 Redbox Instant Coming to Xbox 360 (Gaming Console Exclusive)


Jan 27, 2013
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Today we’re happy to reveal that Redbox Instant by Verizon will be coming to Xbox 360 in the very near future. If you are currently a Redbox Instant beta participant, you’ll receive an email with a unique code to access the app on Xbox 360 in the coming days. Interested newcomers to the Redbox Instant beta can request entry into the beta by visiting

Xbox 360 is the exclusive gaming console launch partner for Redbox Instant by Verizon. A Redbox Instant by Verizon subscription package, priced at $8 per month for DVD or $9 per month for Blu-ray, combines four one-night credits for the latest movie releases at Redbox kiosks with access to a great catalogue of popular movies available for unlimited streaming. Through the app, Xbox 360 movie fans can also purchase and rent the newest digital releases without needing a subscription. Redbox Instant by Verizon combines disc + subscription, purchase and rental viewing choices into a compelling destination so movie fans can always find a movie to enjoy.

Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to launch.

Thanks so much for this Claptrap! I just signed up and already got my beta code for 1 month free :) I appreciate the heads up. It sounds like it could be cool, and hey, one month free to try it out is always nice!
Wow this would be amazing. I can't imagine the amount of savings and time you will save with this. They should have done this with Netflix in the beginning. I bet you they would have gotten a ton more subscribers. I also bet that it's incredibly hard to provide a service such as this. That is why it has taken this long to get to the console I'd imagine.
I'm not seeing the point. It's just netflix without the tv shows and worse. Their business model is just fine, so why break into streaming also? It's a bad business move on their part in my opinion.
Sounds a lot like Netflix with the streaming, but the idea of picking up movies at a kiosk is much more appealing than waiting for them in the mail, which Netflix seems to be moving away from (if they are still doing at all). I might have to look into Redbox Instant as compared to Netflix, which we currently have, it would be nice if they allow the same streaming that Netflix does, as I am watching Netflix on my Xbox as I write this. :)
Hell yeah! I was waiting for this to happen. Most of the time I just use Netflix, but they rarely add any new content. If Xbox incorporates Redbox Instant Streaming, it might put Netflix back a little bit.
I don't know how this will work out. Netflix has a dominant hand when it comes to television shows and most people who use these services, use them for the awesome amount of television shows. Redbox has already admitted to this so I assume their going to focus more on movies. If they could get deals with premium networks and get shows like Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones then they'll have my money, but that's easier said then done.
Yeah I think Netflix has been pretty disappointing recently. They don't seem to have any new content it's all just old junk in my opinion but hey what are you gonna do about it I'm sure redbox will be the same.