Xbox One Remote Play using Skype


New Member
Jun 5, 2013
A report from Polygon says that there will be a remote-play ability where a friend can remotely play a game on your screen. Essentially using their controller in their home they will be able to play the game for you. My understanding is that right now they don't know what the requirements are...if both of you will need to own the game, if there is a time restriction on how long you could remote in, etc. I think it would likely be a mix of both restrictions, where if you both owned the game, there would be no time restriction, and if you one of you didn't there would be. That way someone can try out a game similar to how the PS4 is using the Gaikai technology.

This introduces the possiblity of playing a single player game with friends over Xbox Live, similar to like how I used to play games like Zelda Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 back in the ole days...passing the controller around, when one of us couldn't do something the other would try it. I think it is an awesome addition if it is true and it works the way I hope it does, essentially mirroring your screen on someone elses and manually switching who's controller is controlling the action.
Interesting, but I think this raises more issues than it's worth. I can't honestly think of a situation where I want my friend to control my game for me. There may be a handful of situations where someone can't beat it so they ask for help, but I just can't imagine normal circumstances where this would be useful.

Worse, I think it opens the door to some big issues. If the capability is built into the system then it should be pretty easy for those up to no good to use this however they see fit. Can you imagine if someone figures out how to hack this? Letting someone take control of your system remotely could be disastrous, especially if financial information is stored on the system. I wouldn't be surprised if they figure out how to retain control of your system remotely indefinitely, leaving you with a big paper weight.

Not a fan.
I can't see this being more than a gimmick. Regular users aren't going to want to take advantage of this, and I hope Microsoft doesn't pour too many resources into this and brings their focus to game design and ways to utilize the hardware. It's a nice gimmick, but still just a gimmick.
Even if Microsoft will go a head with such innovations, I think its impact on the common console user will be very minimal. Sadly, most technology firms just do that (invest heavily on a technology that only a handful will use)