Salutations from Kuwait!


New Member
Dec 17, 2013
Well, that's a country you didn't think you'd see here for two things; A. it's in the middle east, a proud Sony land. B. Xbox One is not even officially released here.

But here I am. Always been a hardcore Xbox gamer, always will be. Unfortunately, I don't have a tattoo yet (I have needle phobia). Because the Xbox One wasn't going to be offered here I had to import mine from either the US or UK. Ended up going with UK since it's more secure as in the demand for Xbox isn't as high as it is in the US. In the end, I received my Xbox 2 days after it's official release day which was shocking to me as my oversees orders usually take a week or two, but this one took just merely 48 hours. To top it all off, it also was a special Day One edition that came with a free FIFA copy which I didn't download yet and might give away seeing as I'm not a football/soccer fan at all.

Anyway, sorry for the long, boring ass story of how I get my One. I'm just too excited to own this amazing piece of technology. I hope to get along with everyone of you here and make a couple of new friends. As my RL friends, absolutely NONE of them is even remotely thinking of getting an Xbox One. Most of them are enjoying their PS4's right now without me. I might give in and get one myself in the future, who knows.

Oh, god. I forget the "introducing myself" part. My name is Ahmed and I'm 21 years old. :)

Also, excuse my bad English!
Hey Neugrim welcome! Glad your excited for the Xbox One, you'll feel right at home here. Let me know if you need anything or help finding something.
Welcome to the forums! What bad English? LOL