Xbox One Same Gamertag and Points For Xbox Live when New Xbox Is Released?


New Member
Apr 27, 2013
I have been thinking about this, with the new Xbox, will everything be transferred or create a new Xbox Live account?

I just hope creating a new Xbox Live will not happen because its absolutely absurd but we may just never know, this is Microsoft. Or am I just getting paranoid?
I don't think they'll be changing anything with accounts. They will probably stay the same, and if they do decide for whatever reason to delete all gamertags, people will be furious.
Yeah, surely they'll be transferring everything over. Xbox Live has become its own ecosystem and isn't limited to the current generation of consoles (I'm pretty sure you can even access certain parts of it from your PC). It would just generate a whole lot of negative publicity if they were to wipe the slate clean. A lot of people who had invested a lot of time/money into their Xbox Live profile would be outraged and probably boycott the new console entirely.
They will get rid of the points system, from what I've heard, but I doubt that they will get rid of existing accounts. That would be very odd if they did that and there's no real reason to do so...
They would be crazy to create a new thing, because everyone that uses an Xbox already has an account in which they bought things with real money, so if they discard that, it's a bad decision as a company and it will ruin them.
I'm sure they will continue to use the same service that they've been using over the years. As much as I'd love to see them do something different to allow us to use old inactive gamertags, I doubt it will happen. The LIVE login service is what they've used forever.
I have a feeling you may be able to have your same account. If not and you are planning on getting xbox one early.. Go for those original names :)
That is something else I forgot to think about. Whether or not your gamer tag and achievements/score would follow you to the new console. That seems pretty important to me. I often times find myself adding people who have higher gamer scores to my friends list in pub games that I play since it seems like they will be more active.

I'm going to have to think of a new tag in case it doesn't follow.
Why is everyone in this thread so oblivious to the internet, or maybe it's just bad PR by Microsoft. But anyways, Your account will transfer over to Xbox One, that includes everything

And also no more Microsoft points, not sure what will happen with the left overs if they transfer to normal cash but you'll have to wait and see

when your gonna provide an answer please make sure you state a source otherwise no on knows to take you seriously. However nachoman is right, gamertag and achievements (THANK GOD!) will transfer over to the one.

Source: Gamerscore Will Port Over to Xbox One - IGN

As for the points they're turning that into actual currency instead of microsoft points and any points you have after the transfer will be given an equal or greater value (depending on the market)

Source: How Your Microsoft Points Will Become Dollars/Pounds/Euros/Whatever