Xbox 360 Should I try Armored Core 4?


New Member
Feb 9, 2013
Hey guys,

Do you think I should try this game out? I've played a few mech simulators before, like Front Mission: Evolved, which was actually a really fun game despite the plethora of negative reviews. This game seems to be a similar case - the reviews aren't all so positive, but the game still seems pretty fun. Should I take the plunge and buy the game? Sound off in the comments.
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I haven't played it much but what I did play of it was very fun. The fans of the series seem to have been extremely disappointed with this game, though, but you might enjoy it just fine if you aren't actually a fan of the series and so it might be worth giving it a shot, specially if you can find it cheap or borrow it from a friend.
Thanks for the advice! I might give it a spin, considering I've never actually played the series before.
I was never able to get into this game. Maybe I'm just not a mech person, but it seemed far to easy for my giant mech to get smashed up by tiny crap. Maybe I'm just not good at this.
I picked this up last week--found it on Amazon for like $5-ish--and I'm enjoying it. I'm a fan of mech games, but not a fan of the series. The last time I played an AC game was 2 on PS2--which I saw for ultra super cheap at $0.01 and picked up as well since I sold my original. It's a hard to get into if you haven't followed the series, but you know...trial and error and walkthroughs will help with that.
I did not care for Armored Core 4 at all, really. I liked the older games a lot more.
I've never played Armored Core 4, but I want to say I've played the series before. I really can't remember.
I think the older Armored Core games everyone has played one of them. They kind of came off as generic PS1 games to me.
Well looking at them years later the game is going to look like a generic PSX game. That goes for the bulk of the library.