Sims 4 goes for emotional depth


New Member
Aug 16, 2013
I've been a long time Sims fan, started with Sims 2. I liked to make lots and play the game both. Now with Sims 4 it really looks like a step in the right direction. The inclusion of emotions and long term memories will really make it special.

Source: The Sims 4 Goes For Emotional Depth - IGN
This is really interesting. So it sounds like they are going for a slightly more realistic emotional response. Instead of a brief" oh woe as me," and then back to business after you feed them or buy them something, they may be upset for quite awhile.

By the way, do you play them on PC or Xbox?
I think the best thing is how they are handling body modifications now, without any sliders, you just change stuff by clicking on it. That aside, is it just me or does the area for the houses appear to be really small?
It's really awesome to see another sims game! I really hope they won't make it exactly like The sims 3, because sims 3 we're basically perfected - and there's nothing else they could add honestly.. But now that I've heard of this emotional chizz, it really got me hung up! :)
But... half the fun of the game was fixing all the problems and making the emotions all green again. If they remember they were miserable will they be miserable all the time? I feel Sims 4 will be great, don't get me wrong, but Sims also used to be a simple game you could get addicted to for days on end. If they make it too complicated it may lose its appeal.
But... half the fun of the game was fixing all the problems and making the emotions all green again. If they remember they were miserable will they be miserable all the time? I feel Sims 4 will be great, don't get me wrong, but Sims also used to be a simple game you could get addicted to for days on end. If they make it too complicated it may lose its appeal.

It isn't like much of a change dear - you will still be fixing problems, but it'll take more effort which in turn should make it more ... something you invest in more. I doubt it'll kill much of it, because if you're sitting there playing sims you are already too far into the woods to change things.
I'm really surprised to see people still playing Sims. When I was younger I played it and always ended up burning the baby or something silly like that, sleeping in the kitchen and other LOL situations. The most fun part of this game is building the house, they should just create a game for people who can build houses with real furniture, maybe some IKEA! hahahaha :D
I remember I bought a pool, but I think I forgot to buy the ladder and my Sims family drowned. They may have haunted me as well, I can't remember. I think I had a job at a gnome building shop inside the game. It WAS really silly, but fun nonetheless :)
Emotions and long term memories sound like a big gamechanger. Making these Sims a lot more realistic, but not TOO realistic. I like it.
This is a cool improvement. I think it is going to turn your virtual people into being more "pet like". That will probably make us even more addicted to the game though I am not that big of a fan of the series. Thanks for posting this information. I am going to show it to a friend of mine who is a Sims addict.
I think that the sims franchise is really doing a great job of making the game realy close to what it is in real life. They add grat features like this to make playing this life simulator less computer like and more like what you would expect from a simultor. It really makes the game more appealing and aweaome to play.