Super Smash Bros. 3DS And Wii U Drops Story Mode

Clark Bruce

New Member
Jun 25, 2013
The Escapist : News : Super Smash Bros. 3DS And Wii U Drops Story Mode

Looks like some big changes are coming to the Smash Bros. series as it's been confirmed that the fourth game in the series will not have a story mode or cutscenes. The creator of the series, Masahiro Sakurai has stated that the game will instead have special video sequences for each character. A little disappointing to see the story mode gone but at the end of the day, it's the gameplay that matters.
I'm geuinely glad that they dropped the story mode, it was one of the dumbest parts about the previous games. Now that they won't have to worry about some kind of crappy story maybe they can focus on making it just a really good fighting game, not to say it hasn't been fun the past few years. I just never saw a point the story mode at all it kind of didn't make sense when I played it on Brawl.
I don't really care to be honest, the story mode from Brawl was fairly odd and difficult to control, but it made some alright co-op play. The original game just had you fighting through a series of arcade levels and that's what the game became best known for. If cutting out the story mode gives them more time to focus on the other elements of the game then go ahead, we aren't missing all that much.
...There was a Story Mode? Weird. Seriouisly though I don't think I ever bothered with anything like a story mode. I was in it to either grab trophies or to beat the every living life out of my Smash Brother obsessed siblings. I really don't think most people are going to either care or be disappointed about this development.