Series S Support for external blu-ray to watch movies


New Member
Oct 30, 2023
Hi all, I'm sure plenty of people have been thinking about it, but is there a chance that Series S could support external blu-ray drive to watch movies at least? Are there any hardware limitations to make it work? And if no - is there a chance to somehow make that kind of request from Xbox team to include an update which would allow such support in the future?
Hi, this isn't an official Xbox or Microsoft forum, we are Xbox enthusiasts. My understanding is that Microsoft specifically engineered the Xbox Series S to only be a digital game and video console as attaching a Blu-ray player does not see the games and a Blu-ray will not play. Of course, it is the software that determines whether the Xbox Series S can use an external Blu-ray player. but it's Microsoft that develops the software. You can try to reach out to the Xbox team and Microsoft on their official forums as some have tried.
Hi, this isn't an official Xbox or Microsoft forum, we are Xbox enthusiasts. My understanding is that Microsoft specifically engineered the Xbox Series S to only be a digital game and video console as attaching a Blu-ray player does not see the games and a Blu-ray will not play. Of course, it is the software that determines whether the Xbox Series S can use an external Blu-ray player. but it's Microsoft that develops the software. You can try to reach out to the Xbox team and Microsoft on their official forums as some have tried.
Thanks, Dog, I know this is not an official forum, was just curious if instead of creating a new discussion on some official forum, I could just find an existing one and add my support for this request or at least track its progress (if there is one, of course). And especially since there are news on various websites about Xbox dropping support for quite a few 3rd party accessories, if this means there is no chance of support for 3rd party external optical drives or if it means Xbox is planning to release their own. I've only seen rumours about some patents pending, but I'm not sure if they're reliable at all. Would be good to have some reliable source on all of these issues and definite "yes" or "no". But in the meantime any news would be good, I'm sure it's not only me trying to plan their budget ahead. If anyone hears anything, let me know, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed in the meantime.