Xbox 360 The 7 Wonders of Crysis 3


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Check out the Liberty Dome, which covers most of NYC and has essentially turned it into an urban rain forest. You know the show on the History Channel called "Life After People?" Yeah, that's essentially what has happened here...Check out the video to see exactly what I mean. I'm absolutely loving the setting for this next installment of the series.

Episode 1: "Hell of a Town"

Episode 2: "The Hunt." This video showcases the tactical bow and other weapons that you'll be using to hunt in Crysis 3. The are some great new weapons and those, along with the Nanosuit, will help keep you alive throughout the game...Unless you're really terrible at first person shooters :)

Episode 3: "Cause and Effect." This video doesn't really show much in the way of real gameplay like the others did, but man, does it ever showcase the atmosphere and beautiful graphics! Crysis 3 will be hitting the shelves on February 19, 2013, but in the mean time, you can check out the Crysis 3 Beta!

The premise for Crysis 3 looks pretty amazing. Hopefully they're able to amp it up from Crysis 2's mediocre single player. We'll see how it goes, especially considering C3 is suppose to end a trilogy.
Episode 4: "Typhoon"

Episode 5: "The Perfect Weapon"

Episode 6: "End of Days"

Final Episode: "End of Days"
