Xbox One Thoughts on "AA" games such as Far Cry: Blood Dragon and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger


New Member
May 27, 2013
I'm personally really excited for these new types of games that are a really fun 2-3 hours and have the polish of a AAA studio. I've bought both these games and they have given me exactly what I wanted from them.

Call of Juarez: Cartel was not a very fun game but after playing Gunslinger I was pleasantly surprised. The combat is really fun and the game doesn't take itself too seriously and only focuses on the good parts of the game. It may be a bit linear but for what it is trying to offer it's actually really fun.

Far Cry: Blood Dragon was another awesome experience. I did not buy Far Cry 3 but after playing Blood Dragon I immediately picked the game up. Blood dragon just had so much energy and flow that I really wanted more of an experience like that. It may have only been a couple of hours but it was insanely fun.

So what to do you guys think about AAA games being re-released for $15 with a different focus? I think it's awesome.
As long as they are nothing like Fast & Furious: Showdown, I don't see how they could go wrong. xD
It's interesting to play a "spin-off" type of game from an already good franchise (or specific game), but at the same time I feel like the developers' energy is best spent on the main games or separate DLC. If a DLC pack or episode adds a lot to a pre-existing game, I don't really mind paying for it if it's a reasonable price. However, a 2-3 hour game at a set price of 15 dollars (assuming it doesn't go on sale) isn't worth it in itself. I can buy a full game for about 20 dollars and spend dozens of hours on it, but a 2-3 hour game for 15 dollars is very expensive by comparison. I haven't played Far Cry: Blood Dragon yet (I do want to, though), mainly because of its price to hours spent ratio.
Didn't enjoyed Call of Juarez: Gunslinger as much as i wanted, but really loved Blood Dragon's style and i hope they do a full game out of this next time. I think that the video game industry needs more of this "experimental titles", there are always good chances of coming a great game out of them.