Xbox One to go premium or not...??


Jun 23, 2013
well we all know how problematic bf4 is...

i am right at level 50 in multiplayer... and i do enjoy the maps... but i do want the premium stuff as well. i love me some battlepacks lol

i actually just started playing the story mode so i could unlock guns and such..(they carry over to multiplayer) which i find kinda upsetting. the fact i have to play thru story mode to unlock guns that i cant unlock in multiplayer seems forceful. and i will say that even in easy i am not very good at solo... if its not a head shot your unloading a clip just like multiplayer. its more of knowing where people are posted up than following the storymode.

so is it worth giving ea more money with the issues to get all the extra goodies and hoping they fix the game and get some good dlc out??

the seasonpass/premium is roughly same price as titanfall.. and if the open beta is good i will probably get the game.
It is all up to you and your personal preferences. I personally will not be upgrading to premium because I am fine with where I am at. But if you have the money and you think upgrading will give you a better gaming experience, then go for it.
It is all up to you and your personal preferences. I personally will not be upgrading to premium because I am fine with where I am at. But if you have the money and you think upgrading will give you a better gaming experience, then go for it.

im not sold it will give me a better experience. but it does give you things in game that are otherwise un-accessible... and that kinda gets to me. i dont like the fact you have to have premium to get certin guns,knives ect ect... but it also gives you maps later on. its sort of a toss up.. how long do i think i will be playing bf4 vs what do i think they can offer..