Xbox One Tomb Raider Definitive Early Release

Jan 23, 2014
Southern California
I just got a hold of my copy yesterday. The publisher decided to release the game early. I went into my local GameStop and the manager said he got an email saying they got the go ahead to start selling it. They had just received the shipment and they are not putting them out until the 28th. So if you go in to your local GameStop just ask them for a copy if they aren't out on display yet. I'm really liking the game so far. You can pull up the map and switch weapons using voice commands/Kinect which is pretty cool. No real complaints yet, but I'm not too far into the story line.
You are so lucky, I wish that I could get it early here too but no such luck. I'm going to be busy for the next two weeks so I'll probably miss the release. Since you already got the game, remember to post your impression of the game here and how it compares to the previous versions. I've heard that its even better than the PC version.
I decided not to pick it up since I already beat it on 360, but I'm glad it's pulling in a new fan base since I really want a sequel. Initial sales had disappointed Square.
How are the graphics on it. Had you played the original and do they really compare?
I decided not to pick it up since I already beat it on 360, but I'm glad it's pulling in a new fan base since I really want a sequel. Initial sales had disappointed Square.

Same here, well partly because I didn't want it that much since I've played a few Tomb Raider games in the past it was getting tiring.
I just got a hold of my copy yesterday. The publisher decided to release the game early. I went into my local GameStop and the manager said he got an email saying they got the go ahead to start selling it. They had just received the shipment and they are not putting them out until the 28th. So if you go in to your local GameStop just ask them for a copy if they aren't out on display yet. I'm really liking the game so far. You can pull up the map and switch weapons using voice commands/Kinect which is pretty cool. No real complaints yet, but I'm not too far into the story line.

What other cool stuff did they add on the game? I haven't played the game yet but I'm intrigued since most of my friends have it and they don't want to spill the beans about how cool the game was.
I love this game, only complaint is that the multiplayer match making is really flawed. I was in a party with 5 other people and we were all searching ranked matches to see if someone could find a game. We were all different ranks/levels and no one could find a match. It took us 30 minutes to finally find something. When we were in the lobby I couldn't see 2 of my friends names, and they couldn't see mine, but the other 3 could see us both. Same goes for our characters in the game, we were invisible to each other. I still liked the single player game, graphics were good, and the game ran smoothly. I didn't buy the game for the multiplayer mode anyway.
I love this game, only complaint is that the multiplayer match making is really flawed. I was in a party with 5 other people and we were all searching ranked matches to see if someone could find a game. We were all different ranks/levels and no one could find a match. It took us 30 minutes to finally find something. When we were in the lobby I couldn't see 2 of my friends names, and they couldn't see mine, but the other 3 could see us both. Same goes for our characters in the game, we were invisible to each other. I still liked the single player game, graphics were good, and the game ran smoothly. I didn't buy the game for the multiplayer mode anyway.

Looks cool to me but I'm on a tight budget so I think I'll pass for now.
I originally preordered this and had to cancel due to a sick dog and a lot of vet bills.
I originally preordered this and had to cancel due to a sick dog and a lot of vet bills.

I had different circumstances on my side. A new baby girl! :)
I had different circumstances on my side. A new baby girl!

Congratulations! I have a four year old kid myself. I remember when she was a baby. The sleepless nights and the workaholic days. By the way EpicTrixie you're so lucky you have the game. I was supposed to get it but my daughter wanted Mad Max so I had to get that instead.

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