Xbox 360 Using TrueAchievements for Gaming Guides


Active Member
Jan 20, 2012
Does anyone else rely on the TrueAchievements website for achievement help? I found it a few years back when searching for walkthroughs for a game, and I absolutely love it. Not only is it a great way to keep track of the games I play, but I can connect with other gamers for solutions on specific 'cheevos. I've even written a few achievement guides myself to help others.
No, but it sounds interesting, maybe you could lead a section on here for that! It would be great to have someone that knows the achievements good!
I have not heard of this site, either. Thank you for giving me a heads up on an achievement site. I am always looking for a good gaming site on the web.
Thanks for the achievement site info, I always just Google stuff. It would be nice to have a reliable place I could head to for achievements.

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