Vote for the next Community Game Night (Jan 2013)


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Okay guys, we need your help. What would you guys like to play for the next Community Game Night? We're planning it for early/mid January 2013. Vote now!
I'm good with Halo 4 or Black Ops II. Far Cry 3 multiplayer sucks.
How often do you guys do these game nights? It sounds pretty cool. If I don't have other plans, I'll play if it's anything on the list other than Far Cry. I haven't picked that game up yet. If the multiplayer sucks as much as everyone says it does, is it worth getting for the main storyline itself?
I'll be setting up the January game night in the next few days. As of right now, it looks like it's going to be a Halo 4 night! I'll warn you, it's not my strongest game, but we have some hardcore Halo players on here, so we should do pretty well. @Spartan, we're aiming to do at least one community game night a month, but we're definitely open to having more as the demand for them grows!
I'm up for a night of Halo 4 or Black Ops II. I look forward to playing in a large party. :D
Okay! Halo 4 it is! Let's plan for this Sunday, January 13th at 10pm EST. Remember, if these times don't work out for you, let us know what days/times usually work best for you and we will start mixing stuff up to accommodate more people!
I voted for Black Ops because I don't have Halo.

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