Xbox 360 Waiting until midnight?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
Have you ever waited in front of a Gamestop or other game store to get the newest release of a game for your X-Box? I can honestly say I have never done this – I think it’s silly that games are released at midnight. I just don’t think it’s safe to be sitting outside any store at midnight. What game was it that you were waiting for?
I have never waited outside, at midnight for a game. I considered waiting, when the Wii was released, but figured I would end up not getting one. Wouldn`t you be ticked off, if you waited so long, and was told they sold out?!
I never have, although it does sound exciting. I'd probably do something like that for a movie, though! As long as you've got friends with you, and you're not dangerously cold or anything, I think waiting for a midnight release is fine.
I've wondered how that got started. Didn't they do this with some of the Harry Potter books? Maybe I'm thinking of the games. Anyway, I wouldn't do it personally, but I think it's smart marketing practice. By the way, Micci, when I saw your thread title "Waiting Until Midnight," I thought it was a new Playstation game. I love scary games. :p
I would probably do that for Grand Theft Auto V when it comes out. I can't imagine myself doing something like that for any other game in the world though. I doubt it is unsafe by any means..
I went to one last night actually. We weren't waiting outside - the store opened at 10 and started letting people in to hang out. There wasn't even a line or anything. You had to come in and pay during the day and pick up the game so all you did was show a receipt and they handed you a game. Not a big deal. We showed up at 12:04 am and there was no line.
Jules that is my kind of store. I've seen people on the news waiting outside a store - the line wrapped around the corner into an alley! Dangerous. I don't know when it started - I think it was before Harry Potter though.
Jules that is my kind of store. I've seen people on the news waiting outside a store - the line wrapped around the corner into an alley! Dangerous. I don't know when it started - I think it was before Harry Potter though.

I agree, it can be dangerous if you are waiting outside. I think it's safer if there are a lot of people outside though. You have to be careful waiting at some of these stores for electronics like the iPhone because everybody knows you might have a wad of cash in your pocket.
I haven't waited for a midnight release since the early Harry Potter books, actually. I don't really see the point-- I'm not obsessed with getting things right as they're released.
I never thought about people thinking you have a wad of money with you. I never carry cash! I always use my debit card. I feel a bit safer with that! I'm with you Nala - I don't have to have anything the day it comes out.
I think a lot of people just want to be the first to get all the accomplishments and finish the story. I went to the Harry Potter midnight releases and I will go with friends if they want games but I don't really consider myself somebody who needs a game first. I am a slow player anyway.
Jules, just curious - what game were you waiting for? Was it battlefield 3? Or is that not coming out for some days?

Micci, I migh start carrying cash with all these new debit card policies coming out! 5 Bucks a month for a card!!!
Micci, I migh start carrying cash with all these new debit card policies coming out! 5 Bucks a month for a card!!!

Woah, what? You're being charged to keep a debit card? That's insane! Is every company doing that, or just a few in particular? That seems really nuts!
Jules, just curious - what game were you waiting for? Was it battlefield 3? Or is that not coming out for some days?

I was waiting with a friend for Arkham City, the new Batman game. I don't play the Battlefield games so I'm not sure when that one comes out.
No, I've never done this; I have pre-ordered games before, though. I've never had a problem acquiring a popular game on the day of release. I know my husband gets excited for game release days, but we can both generally get by if we have to wait a few days to play a new game.
Woah, what? You're being charged to keep a debit card? That's insane! Is every company doing that, or just a few in particular? That seems really nuts!

It's getting tougher, but you can still have a debit card with no monthly fee. The way my account works, I have no fees as longer I don't get statements in the mail. I also can't see a teller or they'll charge me for that. It was worth it to me, I don't really need any of those services.

As far as waiting until midnight for a release, I haven't done it but it sounds fun. I'm usually too busy to plan something like that though. I also pre-order games a lot, that's an easy way to get the game the first day it comes out.