Xbox One Watch Dogs Has a More Dynamic City on Xbox One


Apr 24, 2013
The article states that the Xbox One has better graphics compared to other next-gen consoles such as the PS4.

While the game shines on next-gen consoles, apparently it will shine more brightly on the Xbox One, as producer Dominic Guay told NowGamer that the game's version of Chicago will be much more dynamic on Microsoft's next-gen device.

I really don't see how much more the graphics can be improved, I think I'm satisfied enough with the amazing graphics already shown in gameplay videos. Maybe Microsoft paid them do say this?
I'm really curious, and maybe I passed it over in the article, but why is this true? I'm just curious. If it is Microsoft shelling out special money, why didn't Sony? Why would you have one system look better (or, I'm not entirely sure what the exact difference is) over another? How much difference can the console make in the look of the game in the first place?
Well ain't that just dandy, guess I'll have to make sure I get a Xbox One so that my city shines a bit brighter while I play.

Honestly though what is the point of them saying that, really. "It'll be more dynamic" why does it matter if an NPC "can be basically smarter". I can't see how they could make any significant improvements considering both consoles are pretty evenly matched when it comes to hardware.
I bet it does because they want people to stick to the xbox platform. Sucks for everyone who doesn't have an Xbox I guess. I really like the concept of Watch Dogs, but have a feeling it might not do so well if people are buy playing GTA V. I might be too sucked into Los Santos to even care about another game for a long while.
I bet it does because they want people to stick to the xbox platform. Sucks for everyone who doesn't have an Xbox I guess. I really like the concept of Watch Dogs, but have a feeling it might not do so well if people are buy playing GTA V. I might be too sucked into Los Santos to even care about another game for a long while.

I think GTA V has nothing to compete with Watch Dogs because it is an entirely different game. To be frank, GTA is a classic series which we know for decades now and is fun roaming around. Watch Dogs is just starting off and the new hacker in town game play is sure going to keep us glued to the screen for hours.

Regarding this graphics stuff, it's simply a hype to make the Xbox One sound superior. I'm sure it's going to be almost identical on both consoles but maybe some lighting effects in Chicago will make it look brighter on Xbox. That's it! If graphics is all that we need, then should try it on a PC which is always ahead.
Seriously, I agree with you - what can they add to the graphics? Maybe an increased thrill distance, even though PC should have the best specs, it's kinda weird when it comes to games like this. It's really hard to notice the difference.