Weave Words


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
I just found a game called Weave Words that looks like a lot of fun. You get extra points for longer words using more complex letter combinations like you do with Scrabble. But then you uncover phrases using letters from the word you've just made. I can see myself getting really addicted to this game. Does anybody else like word games?
It sounds right up my alley so I'm going to have to look it up now. Thanks! I love word puzzles. I love using my mind - I think the more you use it the more sharp it stays! Thanks really for a new game to look into.
You're welcome! Word puzzles are my favorite. I guess you can't compare them to games like RPGs, but I've probably spent more time playing word puzzles than all of the other games combined. Jumble Bees was one of my all-time favorites, but I'm looking forward to Word Weave because there's no time limit. It's fun to have a mix of racing to beat the clock when you make the words and relaxing like you do with Scrabble-type games such as Word Weave.
I would try it, what can I play it on though? Right now I have a few word games and even on the weekends I still break out the local paper to do the crosswords they list. It gives my mind something to do on the relaxing days off of work.
You can download it to your computer. If you go to WeaveWords.com, they have a free demo. The website lists all of the Windows versions that it works with. It covers just about everything including Windows 95 which I didn't think anyone still had.

Also, there is a timed version in addition to "Classic" and "Relax" modes.
Oh yeah, I like the sound of the relax mode! I like to be timed at times but I also like to take my own time too. I am even more excited about this now that I read up on Word Weave more. I bet my parents would love it too.
I love any kind of word game, so I might go check this out. Is there a paid version of this game? Do you happen to know what differences there are between the paid and the free version of Word Weave?
According to their website, the demo has all the features that are found in the full game. By "full game," I assume they mean the paid version. The demo has over 3000 phrases and 30 different subjects. I haven't downloaded it yet, but I wonder if they have ads or something in the demo. If not, I doubt I would consider paying $20 for the full version.

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