Xbox One What are the games you're getting this Fall?


New Member
Dec 21, 2013
No doubt there are a ton of great games coming out this Fall but due to financial constraints I'll only be getting the ones I'm really interested in day 1. Personally, I'll be buying mostly RPGs and adventure games and they are Shadow of Mordor, Lords of the Fallen, and DA Inquisition. I wanted AC Unity but they announced Rogue too, two AC games in a year turned me off. What games are on top of your list this year?
Same thing here about AC. I was actually rooting on getting Unity and possibly an Xbox One also but out of nowhere Rougue was announced. I'm not so sure what to think about it, the AC series has always been in constant plunge due to sheer repetitiveness, I mean the games are still good it's just that there's too many too soon. I also wanted to give a go on the new Forza game.
I'll be getting Unity. The announcement of Rogue turned me off as well but I'm still interested in playing both games. Other than AC, no other game has piqued my interest so far.