What do you think about the New Steam Box


New Member
Jan 17, 2014
The new steam box released by valve will feature a brand new platform where you can download or stream video games from steam cloud to a console like device attached to your tv, what does this mean for the traditional consoles?
Nothing will change in the console space anytime soon. Steam doesn't have the reach that Microsoft and Sony has. If you look at the options put forward at CES, the hardware for the price isn't at the required level either. Steam machines are something to keep an eye on but I wouldn't be expecting them to do anything major in the short term.
Well, I'm not so stoked about it. I mean, if I were to play Steam games, I'll just stick or buy an actual PC, its more worth for the value I guess. And it also has Minesweeper!
I really like steam box. I really think it is a good option for console gamers who are looking to get into PC gaming but don't want to mess with settings and configuration.
I am undecided at this point, I haven't used it enough to really get a feel for it. Friends of mine are divided on its value right down the middle.