Xbox One What Do You Want To See From Future Updates?


New Member
Jan 16, 2014
As we have all experienced, the launch of Battlefield 4 has not been a smooth one, and has left many people with a sour taste in their mouths. As DICE works to fix these problems and continue to put out updates, I thought it would be interesting to through this question out to you guys. What do you want to see updated in the game? What should be taken out, or left in?

This doesn't have to be just about updates either. Is there anything particular that you like to see in future DLC packs? Certain guns, weapons or maps?

I think we can have an interesting discussion on this and where Battlefield 4 is heading.
I kind of want them to fix the snipers because this games starting to turn into COD with all the quickscopers and such. When I play, I want it to be realistic as possible and it's not very realistic when snipers come out and barrel stuff your face. Other than that, I think the game's going pretty well and they definitely need to fix matchmaking.