What features will Playstation 4 have?


Aug 7, 2012
Sooner or later, it will be out. What features do you think the new PS will have? An updated Move sensor? 3d gaming? Share your opinions here.
I would love if anyone could make a model that could dust itself. Does anyone else have this issue? Our consoles are now all in the media room together, sitting atop a glass shelf but only the PS is the one that gets dusty.
I know what you mean @martinkeen. I don't know if it's because my PS console is black and my Xbox is white, or if it has something to do with the location of the vents, but I'm constantly having to dust the PS and blow it out.

I hope the next Playstation has some 3D capabilities, myself, or maybe an enhanced controller, similar to what the Wii-U will have.
Until they make one that dusts itself (I doubt the guys from Sony care about this; they can probably afford housekeepers to do the dusting), I would love the next Playstation to have a better controller. There is quite a lot of place for improvement. As for the 3D capabilities, I didn't read any news from Sony about this. As far as I know, Sony is not very good with 3D technology.
The most important thing that would matter during the release of the ps4 would be its price. I certainly hope that they would make the console more affordable on the pocket so that gamers would be able to avail it without having to sell their house. I hope to see improved graphics and a kinect-like feature when the console would be released.
:D True! People don't need to sell their valuables to buy a gaming console thus it would be fine if the PS4 price was something affordable. It is funny that Sony prefer to hype the prices of their TV and other electronic products for no apparent reason! Sorry may be it is because they think they still have the monopoly they had some time back.
Sony never seem realistic when it comes to the price of their consoles. I'm guessing something like $399- $450 for the playstation 4. I hope I'm wrong though. A new controller might be nice. Something similar to the XBox kinect.
Price is the most important thing as well as hardware reliability, I have always thought buying a launch console is not a good idea, they are expensive, the fist batch of units have hardware problems that are solved in later revisions, and launch lineup games are not that impressive, you always have to wait a couple of years to start seeing what the console has to offer in the graphic department.
Well, as I stated in a previous thread, I think the CONS of the PlayStation (Orbis) will far outweigh the PROS.

It will not have backwards compatibility. For the future, it seems that most games from the previous generation system will end up being downloadable content on the PlayStation Network store. This is an iteration we already see with DLC for the Final Fantasy PlayStation One games, and PSP High Definition releases. This will be an official means of playing much of the PS3 games on the PlayStation 4.

Sony has also taken an extra effort against piracy by locking PlayStation games to a single console, through online verification and downloadable content. The console must always be online to play your games. Furthermore, any Disc based game will be locked to your PlayStation 4 (Orbis) once it has been scanned. This means your friend cannot, take your PS4 disc and play it on his PlayStation 4. PlayStation wants a definite pipeline to maximize profit, by forcing customers to buy new/unused copies of the game. This goes without saying that rental companies like Gamefly, EB Games & Game Spot are going to feel the fire. Luckily it is rumored that Xbox 720 will NOT be taking this approach of locking games to a system in order to combat piracy.

This is why I believe Xbox will ultimately be the system of choice for most gamers, if they cannot afford a PC.

These will be the new features that I do not take kindly to.

Now, as far as 3D- I believe there was mention that the PlayStation 4 will have 3D capability in games. Windows 8 supports resolutions of 3840 x 2560 to photographers, video producers and marketing professionals. By today's standards that scale of definition is unbelievable. However, the PlayStation Orbis will support resolutions of 4096 x 2304 - up from 1080p. The cameras of current movie producers do NOT film at that current definition. Cameras of that resolution have just recently hit the market. All this is to say, PS4 will have 3D capabilities.
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I would imagine that since it has been so long since the last release, that we will see a lot of new changes? Certainly a new look to the system is in order? I would also like to see better controllers and hardware. How about including two controllers? It would also be great if they allowed for backwards compatibility for PS3 & PS2 games. Has anyone heard if there is a new PS4 release coming for sure? Any ideas when?
Another play station? I do wonder what this one will be like and if it will be better or worse then the others. I have played on all of them and I do like the older versions better then the newer ones. But that is my taste and everyone has a diff one. Though some games are pretty cool. So I am looking forward to seeing what this one looks like. I am sure we will get it sense me and my bf have all of the gaming systems that have been out
Customer service female told me like a month ago when I was having issues with the store. that ps4 wouldnt be this year and that it would cost around 600

2 MORE DAYS!!! until sony's conference and i wonder if they do announce the PS4 what would they show interms of what you can use it for besides games or game play of a games that are said to release with this new gen console like Watch Dogs a game the was pushed back for the specific reason of having it on the new PS4
I'd expect them to be showing off the new dual camera PS Move built into the new DS4 controllers. Looks like you should have full tracking of the position of your controller for slick control options. I heard there's also a track pad just like the PS Vita on the face of the new DS4 controller?

With USB3 on the new console what's stopping them from releasing games on USB? I could see some sick DRM where there's a physical relationship between the USB storage and the game software, like the USB key is both a camera and memory. So if someone steals your console they wouldn't know how to unlock your games cause they don't know what to point the camera at..?
2 MORE DAYS!!! until sony's conference and i wonder if they do announce the PS4 what would they show interms of what you can use it for besides games or game play of a games that are said to release with this new gen console like Watch Dogs a game the was pushed back for the specific reason of having it on the new PS4

Please come back and tell us what they said at the conference. I would like to know what they up their sleeves for the PS4