Xbox One What Would You Like to See in GTA VI


Feb 18, 2016
We all know how great and successful Rockstar has been with the Grand Theft Auto series. Every installation seems to amaze it's growing audience and sell like bread. GTA V has been out for 3 years now and it's still one of the most popular games being played right now, it's that good. Visually and gameplay wise.

So what would you like to see in the next Grand Theft Auto? Apart from the obvious improvements in graphics and additional content in terms of vehicles and weapons. I would like them to bring back the original, full San Andreas map that includes San Fierro and Las Venturas, not just Los Santos. I think by the time it's released consoles and computers will have enough processing power to make this happen on a modern scale, similar to what GTA San Andreas had, but amplified. I would also like them to bring back the vehicle physics of GTA IV and refine them a little. I loved the realistic feel of driving and crashing cars, GTA V simply does not provide that. What other features would you like to see and what map ideas do you have?
Even more badassness, but specifically more stuff to do with next-level weapons and things that are kinda of wacky/out there. For example, the whole chiliad thing is AMAZING, but I'd really like to see stuff like that become a bit more normalized and there to be even bigger depth, like super intense mysteries within the game that take 5+ years to work through
Well, firstly I would like some more buildings in the game, especially those which can be accessed. There are more interactions with people needed, much more than just shouting out expletives. Last but not the least, more cheat codes would be welcome.
There were some cool weapons and vehicles in the earlier games that should be included in GTA VI. I found them missing in GTA V and was quite disappointed. Look forward to having them back!
More buildings and interactable buildings would be cool yeah, and I also feel like they push good stuff out of the game too much. If it worked in the last game, there's no reason to not have it in the next one to some extent
I would like to see America in it, And for sure I want to see Children in it, I think I'm not the only one who would like to see children in GTA VI.
@Moaz what do you mean children? You want children walking down the street? Haha, that will never happen. You can beat people up and drive them over, shoot them and so on, don't you think that putting children in-game would be an extremely bad idea? People would go shoot them then make videos about it. Rockstar won't do that, I am sure.

Also, America is already in GTA V. The whole Los Santos map is based around and off Los Angeles - you can even find the almost exact same building.

Anyway, what I would love for GTA VI is to bring back some of the features that GTA: San Andreas had, like gyms and building strength/shape body. I'd want to see the next GTA be set outside of U.S, maybe in some exotic country.
@Algera I mean the whole country not just some states or cities. Also Children would make it realistic, And another thing that I want to see in GTA VI, I hope that we can enter any building..That maybe happen one day, as we wished before not to see the character from the bird eye view.