Xbox One Which System Will Have A Better Collection Of Games, Xbox One or PS4?


New Member
May 21, 2013
Which system do you anticipate will have the better games? I will admit i am intrigued by the PS4, but I think the Xbox One will have some games that will appeal more to me.
I think the Sony system, personally, will have better exclusives.
I honestly choose the Xbox One for this. Their list of exclusives are far more better than PS4's exclusives. Even though Sony states that they have more exclusives releasing, bigger is not always better. Halo, Quantum Break, Ryse, Overdrive, Titanfall, so many great games that have superior graphics and great gameplay. My vote will have to go towards the Xbox One, and knowing that they're announcing some more exclusives in the future, I'm pretty excited.
IMO, MS has always been way ahead of Sony when it comes to exclusives.
we cant nail down games as a whole... every console will get the big box games cod,bf4,ac4 ect ect... its going to be the exclusives that should be intresting

as far as dlc early content atuff microsoft has us covered... they pay to get the stuff before sony and for that i love them... ill pay my xbl 60 dollars a year to get the new maps and data month before sony yup... ill pay for a more stable multiplayer/cloud... microsoft gets slammed for allot but they try and provied allot to us.. the money we pay for live may line a few pockets but we also get 300+servers and tec guys always working on the interface to make and keep it stable.

sony has lost some luster with the grans turismo series.. forza stomped on it years ago and it just hasnt been the same. and in all u dont hear allot about ps games because mot of the good are cross platform.. but we got titanfall off the bat which is e3 game choice... so for now xb1 is on top.. all the big titles at launch+forza and titan fall..
Well, looking at the Xbox 360 and PS3 makes me guess the Xbox One will have timed exclusives at the start and then there won't be any interesting exclusives, just uninteresting crap, while as the PS4 will end up getting some of the previously-exclusive Xbox One games and Sony will push new exclusive IPs that are way more interesting that what the Xbox One offers.

Microsoft doesn't seem to push for 1st party exclusives as much as Sony and I expect a bunch of Xbox One exclusives to also release on PC (they have already announced at least of their "exclusives" will be on PC too).

Also, as I said, the Sony systems get more interesting exclusives. I mean, I think about it and I see like... Gears of War vs Tokyo Jungle. Gears of War is one (or maybe the best) cover-based TPS but that's it. Not so interesting or unique, while as Tokyo Jungle is super unique. I guess it boils down to Western vs Japanese, in a way, since Japanese companies seem to supporting the Xbox systems less and less and time goes on (and the Japanese make the best fighters, so they've won me over just with that)

But regardless, most big games will be multiplatform anyway.
That's a tricky question, because a lot of my favorite games aren't exclusives. It's difficult to say which I prefer between the Xbox 360 and the PS3, because I would never imagine choosing one over the other. Still, things may change in the future, so who knows? From what I've seen so far, it's pretty neck-and-neck, but I'm generally leaning toward the Xbox One.

Time will tell.
It really depends on which exclusives you favor for which system, and, if you aren't all too concerned about the exclusives, maybe which new titles you're looking forward to or something of that nature. Obviously, if a game is on one system and not the other, it's an exclusive, but I've never felt as if I've missed out on very much when it comes to them. So, I'd have to say that unless you're a fan of Halo and DLCs, they're both about even when it comes to game collections.
I think that the argument almost needs to be split. You could have tons of talks about Halo's against Uncharted's and things like that. What needs to be said is who will have a better First Party appearance and who will get the Third Party love. While First Party experiences are comparable across the consoles, Third Party games can be married to a console for whatever reason a company choses. Valve is no fan of Microsoft's practices and that's very sad. Microsoft has now removed the requirement for Points to be paid for an update by consumers after the first free update. Essentially they took away some of Valve's complaints about Microsoft's marketplace.

Again, First Party, you're going to have to really just say that while the graphics, stories and characters might be different, the concepts and mechanics are probably the same so you know, which ever one you prefer you're going to find some really good games. Wii should get an honorable mention for this.

Third party is where its going to be at.
I'll be honest here. I liked Sony's exclusives a lot better than that of Microsoft's offerings. Let's face it, Sony has a lot more variety to their games. Yes, I like Gears of War and Halo and Forza, and Fable and DOA. But Sony has a lot of more compelling titles like God of War, Uncharted, Resistance, KillZone, The Last of Us and it's also got Team ICO with them. That's really hard to beat man. And with Microsoft's stance to make the Xbox One more of an overall entertainment device, I think that there would be less than stellar exclusives as compared to the PS4.
Based off the confirmed exclusives, I'd say the One has the slight edge, although most of the games I want badly are multiplatform. In the long run, it's hard to say, but the One will probably come out on top with exclusives in my view. A lot of the great Sony exclusives are not to be missed, but they tend to have less punch for replays, and absent or limited multiplayer.
I definitely want to try the exclusives on both consoles. Honestly, it's no different than the Xbox 360 and PS3 comparison. I never get the feeling that either Sony or Microsoft is trying to outdo the other, even if they are technically in competition. With all the quality third-party games available for both, there's plenty of incentive to get either. It will probably boil down to performance and, more importantly, price.
I think it is going to boil down to what type of games you like to play and which few end up missing from both sides. For us we normally have two consoles (at least two) so we have a good variety when it comes to games, plus sometimes we get bored with "our games" so we want to play "something new". My spouse and I are split between the Xbox and Play Station, sometimes we are in the mood for one type of game and not the others. Which one will I like more still comes down to what is available for me when the console hits store shelves and which games are not sold out.
I'm not sure right now. The PS4 seems to have quite a few exclusives but the XboxOne has great games coming out as well.
I have a feeling Sony will be ahead for a while but I doubt Microsoft will want to catch up or be number one again.
Right now, Sony's exclusives are much better than Microsoft's. Outside of Gears of War, there's no title that jumps out on me from Xbox. Halo has run its course in my opinion, and I could careless about a new one. Meanwhile, Sony has constantly churned out AAA titles like Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Resistance, Infamous, Heavy Rain, Killzone and most recently The Last of Us. Not only that, the games are diverse enough to appeal to fans of different genres. Microsoft has some catching up to do in this regard.
You guys should actually step back and think about this without getting your fanboy panties in a bunch. Sony has always crushed Microsoft when it comes to exclusives and it always will. Microsoft has 12 exclusives coming out for XB1, 8 of which are new. Can anyone guess the other 4??? I'll make it easy on you guys...Halo, Gears, Forza, & Fable.

Meanwhile Sony has 30 exclusives coming out. 20 of which are going to be available in year 1 and 12 are brand new. That right there should answer anybodies questions.
we cant nail down games as a whole... every console will get the big box games cod,bf4,ac4 ect ect... its going to be the exclusives that should be intresting

as far as dlc early content atuff microsoft has us covered... they pay to get the stuff before sony and for that i love them... ill pay my xbl 60 dollars a year to get the new maps and data month before sony yup... ill pay for a more stable multiplayer/cloud... microsoft gets slammed for allot but they try and provied allot to us.. the money we pay for live may line a few pockets but we also get 300+servers and tec guys always working on the interface to make and keep it stable.

sony has lost some luster with the grans turismo series.. forza stomped on it years ago and it just hasnt been the same. and in all u dont hear allot about ps games because mot of the good are cross platform.. but we got titanfall off the bat which is e3 game choice... so for now xb1 is on top.. all the big titles at launch+forza and titan fall..

First off Titan Fall isn't exclusive to XB1 it's available on PC. Also since MS doesn't own Respawn they could release it for PS4 in the future.

The reason MS doesn't have as many exclusive's is because of the Call Of Duty exclusive timed DLC contract. They shut down gaming studios to pay for that contract because they thought it would save them money. So the DLC you get isn't actually 1 month early it's on time, PS3/PC get it one month late. This set a bad precedence for gaming because it opens the door for companies to whore themselves out for a limited time to make some extra cash.

Gran Turismo 5 came out a year before Forza 4 did and it was still a better simulator. Forza had it beat on music and cars but that's irrelevant.

If you think Xbox "is on top" after watching E3 you should seriously read more. A console that was in development for 4 years and one that was "centered" around always online, again for 4 years, became something completely different in 4 DAYS! This is all 6 months before launch. Microsoft doesn't even know what they are doing with their own console. I was going to buy an XB1 at launch but I'm waiting at least 6 months before I get it.
Totally agree. Sony not only has the numbers but they bring quality and diversity to their exclusives. Ni No Kuni was amazing and completely different, then they push out Last of Us.

The most out of the box MS ever went was Alan Wake which was cool, but since then its basically FPS or FPS/RPGs.
I think it's a bit early to decide yet because many potentially great games haven't been announced yet for example the Last of Us which is considered to be a PS3 hit wasn't announced until 2011, 5 years after the initial release of the console. Currently we can compare the lineup of exclusive titles but in the long term the launch titles don't matter all that much, very few games make it to become all time classics and most juts get forgotten anyway. So for now all we can do is wait.
I'm going to have to say the PS4 will end up having the better collection of games. I think Sony has always had a little bit more variety when it came to their exclusive games, ranging from all sorts of genres. One thing Sony has always had the upper hand in is that they have a large amount of support from Japanese developers, so that is a factor to look at. Also, Sony has put a lot of stock in indie developers so I expect to see a lot of indie exclusive games on the PS4.