Xbox 360 Who else picked up Battlefield 4?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Holy action Batman! I picked the game up yesterday after Gamestop opened. I WOULD have had it when I got home from work, but my roommate was too lazy to go to the midnight release for it. Not to worry though. I'll put peanut butter in his ear while he's sleeping to pay him back.

Anyway, after the install, code entering and updates, I decided to play the campaign since I only had a couple hours to play. It's a rush from the start man! Good action, guns feel right and it's a good looking game to boot. They just kind of throw you out there in a foreign land and let you play. I like that. Sure, there's the mandatory section of learning how to move, look and crouch, etc. But after that, it's kill or be killed. Looking forward to the MP in a few minutes.

Anyone else pick it up? :cool:
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i will be on my xb1 next month. the beta was good. i cant wait to play the whole game and mp. enjoy itt man.
I may have to. Im such a Cod fan its hard to play BF games. I think all the ppl hiding in vehicles does my head in. Some of those pilots
are pretty dang good
I want Battlefield 4 so bad I can hardly stand it (got a Twitch feed of it going in the background as we speak) but I'm making myself wait 'til I get my hands on a One before I buy it. I love it that they've finally brought the frame rate up to 60 fps (on the One).
I may have to. Im such a Cod fan its hard to play BF games. I think all the ppl hiding in vehicles does my head in. Some of those pilots
are pretty dang good

LOL. You are correct. I, however am not one of those people. I managed to get a kill in a fighter jet. But it was only because I crashed into some poor sap as I crashed it into a building. I could never get the hang of flying anything in the series, but I'm loving the land vehicles. Especially the tanks. With the right gunner with you, you can almost own a whole section of a map for a long time.
LOL. You are correct. I, however am not one of those people. I managed to get a kill in a fighter jet. But it was only because I crashed into some poor sap as I crashed it into a building. I could never get the hang of flying anything in the series, but I'm loving the land vehicles. Especially the tanks. With the right gunner with you, you can almost own a whole section of a map for a long time.

agree 100% flying the big helicopter is not so bad... flying the baby bird was near impossible for me..

the comment about a tank/gunner is 110% accurate a buddy of mine and myself would get on a tank and lock down/capture 2 of the 3 flags on the beta. if you knew how to open up the map with levolution on the building it was clear shots with very little cover.. the enemy's only saving grace was roof tops.

the jetski's were pretty fun so i cant wait to try outthe boats and various other land/sea stuff.. but the flying is a whole different thing.
I haven't bought Battlefield 4 yet. I'm waiting for my Xbox One to get here and then I'm just going to buy it on the new console. I thought about buying it for the 360 but with the One release just around the corner, I didn't see the point in having two copies of it. Once I have the One, I probably won't play the 360 that much anymore. I definitely won't be playing games on it that I can play on the One!!
I haven't bought Battlefield 4 yet. I'm waiting for my Xbox One to get here and then I'm just going to buy it on the new console. I thought about buying it for the 360 but with the One release just around the corner, I didn't see the point in having two copies of it. Once I have the One, I probably won't play the 360 that much anymore. I definitely won't be playing games on it that I can play on the One!!

most of us got in on the beta and got to play get a feel for the game.
if anyone hasnt gotten it yet and isnt in a huge rush to get it, gamestop will have it for 29.99 on black friday.

That goes for xbox 360, pc and ps4.

I am definitely looking forward to picking it up then.
I'd like to get it, and $30 is reasonable for it, but I don't want to stand out in the cold for it. Heck, I haven't even played Battlefield 3 yet. I wish they didn't release games in such quick succession because cheap people like me get way behind way too fast.
I've never played any Battlefield games before, but I am looking to get into this one. I'm not huge on FPS games, but I enjoy CoD and Halo, and have heard lots of good things about Battlefield.

Not sure what to get it for yet - I don't plan on getting an Xbox One for at least a year or so (made the mistake of buying a Wii U at launch, with so few games), meaning it's a choice between 360 or my very average laptop.
I bought it during Black Friday. I can't even play the game though, it requires an actual hard drive to install it to rather than the Xbox 360's flash storage. I also have a USB hard drive and it would not accept that as well. I'm considering buying an non-official hard drive off Amazon or some other site, or just returning the game itself.
I will definitely try to pick it up this summer-been away at University for several months. I am a huge fan of Battlefield 3 and am looking forward to playing it.
ya I grabbed it, the campaign is really really short which is kinda the norm now for MP heavy games.As for online I rather like it and haven't really experienced all this tragic problems besides 2 crashes.
i have a stupid ammount of hours logged.
119 hours 43 minutes.
i am at 43 iirc...

its ok the patches have have not changed much. actually the last patch actually made it worse for me personally.. i have never bee killed by people with 0 health or died and had someone with 0 health running around after.

i have gotten quite a few 31kills and 20's deaths in matches... ive got a ton unlocked and am trying to rank up faster... id like to be around level 70 by the time titanfall comes out.

i could honestly sit down and make a list of how they should/could fix bf4 to make it a better game.