Xbox 360 Why did you buy the Kinect ?

dum ez

Aug 2, 2012
What was the reason you decided to opt for a kinect ? I haven't tried it out yet but loved the adds I saw online and on TV and decided I have to have one! Why did you buy yours?
I was really enthusiasted by the idea of a better sensor than the one on the wii. Not to mention that the games are way better and you don't need any special accessories, like the wii requires.
I saw lots and lots on commercials and some of my best budds convinced me to buy one for myself. So I did, and I'm glad I did it.
I haven't bought a Kinect yet, but the reason I want one is that (A.) there are a lot of fitness games available that seem like they'd be fun, and (B.) many of the more popular franchise titles are starting to take advantage of the technology.
I recently bought one because my girlfriend nagged continuously. I am not sorry though, I have so much fun on it I'd buy 3 more if I could multitask.
I bought my kinect after a youtube video surfaced of someone appearing to be using stealth mode surfaced. You could see the outline of the person but in true predator form they were invisible. Very cool, my nephew wanted to try it out. I'm now the proud owner of no less than a dozen videos of family members hiding in plain sight!
I never bought mine, I don't think I would have either but I got it as a gift.
Only have Kinect adventures and the demo for Child of eden

Surprisingly I have a lot of fun on it Lol really glad I have it now
I bought my Kinect because I had a couple of fitness games I wanted to try out. It really is so much better in that aspect than the Wii and I think we will see the demise of traditional exercise videos in favor of this interactive version.
If I remember correctly, I got my Kinect system when I got my Xbox 360. My family received it as a gift from our grandparents over Thanksgiving last year. It was a great gift!
Honestly, I had bought it because of my hearing about Steel Battalion coming to it. But the problem is the reality that came from it sucked. They would have been better off with a giant controller like they had for the original xbox version.
I bought it just for the heck of it. But I find myself using my normal Xbox 95% of the time rather than using Kinect. When I have some friends who come over to the house, we use the Kinect. But, its more of a novelty rather than a necessity for the Xbox. It's fun, but I still prefer old-style, analog control gaming.
I only bought my Kinect because I wanted to use it for the exercise side. I do have a lot of fun playing Fruit Ninja on it though. It can get a little dicey when 2 of us are playing against each other though because we end up hitting each other,
Mine came free with the Xbox I bought. I didn't even know the model I ordered did, but hey, I'm not complaining!
Honestly I bought it so that there would be no controllers that "accidently" get thrown while moving around and would hit something and it breaking. We also got it so that we can be move active and not worry about the controller get all sweating.
I bought it because my sister wanted to dance and she kept complaining that she wanted one. I also like checking out the latest innovations in gaming. I thought that even though it was still new, that someone would come out with some really cool games soon. I'm excited to see how it evolves.
I bought it so my daughter could have fun with games and still be active. Plus it's something we can dance around with together and laugh about.
I am playing Just Dance 3 using Kinect. I bought in the first place not only for entertainment but also as an exercise machine. I actually lose two pounds in one week dancing like crazy in front of Kinect. I am not going to renew my gym membership this month for sure.
If I can just get really play this all the time and get active all the time, then I would even need a gym membership.
I bought the kinect because it was something different and creative. I like the motion control and it makes the typical game more fun as it involves you much more. Sometimes the conventional game and controller gets boring. The idea of your whole body being a controller is unique and truly amazing. I enjoy the kinect and hope that with the Xbox 720 they continue to advance motion control and make the gamer more involved in the game.
The dance games. I love dancing and the kinect did a great job with them.

I like how I don't need to grab hold of a controller in order to dance. Just need me myself and I.

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