Xbox 360 Why did you purchase your Xbox 360?


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
I got asked this on my blog the other day, and I thought I could forward the question to other console users, just out of curiosity: what determined you to buy your Xbox 360? I purchased mine because it looked like the best gaming console nowadays, and because I really wanted to play games such as Halo, Grand Theft Auto 4 and Call of Duty 4.
Well, I had been into PC gaming after I got bored of the original Xbox and Playstations. I discovered multiplayer gaming on the PC and I was hooked. I bought an expensive gaming computer with the new Windows Vista at the time, and my gaming ended, because I could no longer get into the servers of my favorite games do to a security feature called punkbuster. I couldn't figure it out and I never went back to Windows XP. I was married at the time and my wife had visited her family over the holidays and came back talking about some game called Rockband. I had never heard of any of it and wasn't into console gaming. Anyhow, that summer I decided to buy her an Xbox with the Rockband game. I happened to buy a couple games for myself too. I got hooked on gaming again, and so here I am. :)
I got my Xbox because I wanted to play more games! I've played a lot of Sony and Nintendo games for the entire run of my gaming "career," but never anything else, really. I thought it was time to try something new!
I didn't really have a choice. I moved in with my boyfriend and he had an Xbox. I had only played Wii and Playstation in the past. I still miss my old games but Xbox is better than I thought it would be.
to keep in touch with family/friends lol. moved away for school and everyone back home had an xbox
I got asked this on my blog the other day, and I thought I could forward the question to other console users, just out of curiosity: what determined you to buy your Xbox 360? I purchased mine because it looked like the best gaming console nowadays, and because I really wanted to play games such as Halo, Grand Theft Auto 4 and Call of Duty 4.

My husband actually received the Xbox 360 we have as a Christmas present one year. He'd been spending a lot of time with his two nephews and they introduced him to playing games online. He fell in love with the concept but couldn't afford an Xbox 360, so another family member bought it for him later that year.

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