Why The Last of Us on PS3 was hyped so much?


New Member
Aug 1, 2013
Just because Naughty Dog made it, I wouldn't agree that The Last of Us is such a colossal and perfect game ever made. Is it because PS3 console owners love hyping their exclusives or was it really that good? Actually, I own an Xbox 360 and I regularly play on the PC as well. Earlier, I owned both the PS2 and PS One. So, I'm no fan boy for any platform but I'm a gamer who's ready to accept every game including Wii, Vita or Android.

I played Last of Us in a gaming parlor as well as in my friend's home. The gameplay was good with some impressive characters but it ain't groundbreaking. Moreover, some gamers claim that one should buy a PS3 console simply to play this one game!!! Am I missing something in here?

At the end of the day it's all a matter of preference and you simply just may not like the game. Still, it would probably be best for you to play the game from the beginning and get the full experience. If you only played a portion of the game at a friends house you wouldn't fully experience it. There's a reason that the game has received so many perfect scores and is one the most highly acclaimed games of this generation.
I dunno, man. I haven't played it yet, but it can't be the 10/10 masterpiece everybody says it is. Last time I believed the hype was Dishonored and I found it extremely lacking. Friggin' hype ruins everything.
I played the Last of Us and I did enjoy it very well. Why? I like stealth gameplay. I like great character interaction. I like to see something original done - zombies that can't help themselves, zombies that cry when they think they're alone, zombies that come from an actual real world fungus instead of a sci-fi virus, a green apocalypse instead of a brown/gray one, etc. I like a horror survival game that has people be as much a danger as the monsters. I like a game that makes me wonder if I made the right choice even if I wouldn't change the decision made. I could go on, but in the end this really is a great game 9/10. The only reason why I take a point off is because of a couple of glitches here and there.