Xbox One Will it be a good alien game finally?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
I have really given up the hope that they can ever make a good alien game. Is it going to be finally the game we all are craving for? What do you think?
I sure hope so! It's been a long time coming, we certainly deserve one! hopefully the developers know what they're doing this time around.
From all the gameplay footage I've seen, the game looks absolutely incredible. It's a survival horror title rather than an action shooter. You can't fight back against the Alien, and it will actively hunt you throughout the levels instead of using a predetermined path. Weapons in the game can only be used against non-Alien enemies. I think we're about to get our very first successful Alien title, and Ripley returns in two bonus missions that are currently slated for pre-order DLC. I don't see any reason to not be excited about this game!
From all the gameplay footage I've seen, the game looks absolutely incredible.

Yeah, but Colonial Marines looked good before we got it. All I'm saying is, I'll believe it when I see it for real on my monitor.
I disagree. I think Colonial Marines looked pretty choppy from the start, before it was even released. Everything I've heard about Isolation is that it's far superior to Colonial Marines in just about every aspect. The change from action shooter to survival horror gives the game an edge because it matches more closely to the original Alien film. Plus, you play as Ellen Ripley's daughter, which makes the game tie in to the original film much better.
I disagree. I think Colonial Marines looked pretty choppy from the start, before it was even released. Everything I've heard about Isolation is that it's far superior to Colonial Marines in just about every aspect. The change from action shooter to survival horror gives the game an edge because it matches more closely to the original Alien film. Plus, you play as Ellen Ripley's daughter, which makes the game tie in to the original film much better.

I'm not too happy about the fact it ties in. I mean, milking the franchise is what got us Resurrection and some of the not so great sequels. I'd much rather they set it in the far distant future, or even in the past. There's a ton of stuff out there in the Alien, and the Predator franchises which they could have made a game of, things which really would be amazing for a game.

Still, I'm very hyped up for the fact that it's a survival horror game.
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It looks neat but after what happened with the last game I am a little bit worried.
I'm not a fan of this kind of horror where the player is almost defenseless. This hide and seek formula from Outlast can get repetitive and boring sometimes. I think I'll be skipping this game since there are other games coming out that month that I'll be getting like Evil Within. If the reviews are good, maybe I'll give it a look.
I only like playing such games every once in awhile. They're kind of frustrating, especially if you get stuck somewhere. I can see why you might not like playing a game where there's no combat. You can use weapons in the game, but they're used to fend of characters and enemies other than the main alien. Any weapons found are ineffective against the main alien and might only ward it off temporarily. I do enjoy cat and mouse survival horror as long as it's in small doses. This game seems perfect since I haven't played a survival horror game in awhile.
It looks neat but after what happened with the last game I am a little bit worried.

Glad I'm not the only person who's worried about this due to the history of the franchise. Honestly, I'm wondering how this sort of thing is going to work. The Alien is infinitely more powerful than your average human being. Unless Ripley's daughter is going to somehow inherit her mother's badassery, this is going to have to come up with a very good reason as to why the Alien doesn't just rip you to pieces.
Glad I'm not the only person who's worried about this due to the history of the franchise. Honestly, I'm wondering how this sort of thing is going to work. The Alien is infinitely more powerful than your average human being. Unless Ripley's daughter is going to somehow inherit her mother's badassery, this is going to have to come up with a very good reason as to why the Alien doesn't just rip you to pieces.

Pretty much, and it doesn't help that the last game that bared the name "alien" was absolutely abysmal..
They really need to get some more experienced people on this IP.. like maybe.. obsidian.. I'm not too sure who could do it justice to be honest..
I'm not expecting much, but from what I've seen it's not looking bad, I'll maybe give it a try if the reviews are good.
I also don't like that it gets repetitive at some point of the game. Like Outlast for example, I got bored with the gameplay because it got repetitive. What it boils down is go to area A, hide, proceed, hide, grab something or turn on something, hide, and go to area B. I know it sounds weird but this kind of mechanic reminds me of Pac-Man only that this is in 3D.
I haven't seen much about this game, but I have had a lot of my friends becoming very excited about it. Being that I almost know nothing, outside of it being set in the alien universe, I want to know if I can face hug someone. I'm like kind of thinking I won't play this unless I can go and stick my electronic tentacle down someone's throat and impregnate them with my glorious alien genetics. Then, and only then, can I consider an alien game to be a major success!
I have beat the game once and I'm about to beat it again, I have to say the game is amazing plus survival mode is cool plus the expansions Crew Expendable and Last Survivor are excellent as well I have to say it is a good Alien game. I'm the oddball though because I think Alien CM is a good game so if you're unsure then rent the game and play it for yourselves but do get it on Xbox One over 360 because I hear it has frame-rate lag on 360.
I don't think Alien:Isolation is for everyone because the experience can be a bit overwhelming for those who need to be reassured and prefer fairness in everything. However, there are brave folks who would like to test their skills and will enjoy it.
I'm not too happy about the fact it ties in. I mean, milking the franchise is what got us Resurrection and some of the not so great sequels. I'd much rather they set it in the far distant future, or even in the past. There's a ton of stuff out there in the Alien, and the Predator franchises which they could have made a game of, things which really would be amazing for a game.

Still, I'm very hyped up for the fact that it's a survival horror game.

I actually enjoyed resurrection, 3 was crap. I don't know about predators, I'd just have to see some game play for something like that because these developers don't really come up with good plots for these horror games which makes them suck.

I just found out about a "Friday The 13th" game that is supposed to be in development, and the current plot that the creators was talking about sucked. I'll still play it though. I want to see a good Alien game, one that blows me away, so my eyes are open.
I actually loved this game despite some of the reviews. It made me feel very claustrophobic, in a good way, and really amped up the suspense.
I am not really sure that it reached the level that you wanted in terms of the new alien game that we are all "craving", but I thought it was pretty good. I did not get all that into it, though, and just picked it up sparingly a couple of different times. I have heard some pretty good reviews from others who played more though, so that might tell you something. Thanks for sharing, and I think we are still waiting for that one game though.
I do not really consider myself a big fan of this kind of games, but I personally think that this one in particular has some potential which can be exploited by the developers, they have to enhance the graphics and focus a little bit more on the game mechanics and the gameplay itself, there are many things they have to improve.

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