Will Xbox One launch with a Halo title?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
It's hard to imagine the new Xbox without a new Halo but the 360 launched without one. What does everyone think? I would be surprised not to see something about Halo 5. Just not launching this year. They could also launch with that Halo 2 remake. That would be awesome if they leave the MP intact.
An anniversary edition of Halo 2 would be a good idea but it's not a strong selling point. I think most gamers are looking for original content rather than remakes or re-releases. Halo 4 is supposed to be the first in a new trilogy of Halo games, but it hasn't been out for that long and I sincerely doubt they have another one in development already. It is a new studio, though, so things may be different. Still, they could release a Halo game along the lines of ODST that isn't part of the main series, but I still think that's unlikely.
Don't count on it. Since Halo isn't Bungie anymore, I don't think there will be a Halo for the release of the Xbox One. Maybe like what Joker said and an anniversary release, but I don't think there will be any new developments yet.
Well its pretty much confirmed today that Halo 5 will be launched in 2014. That may be the first time I look to own one.
No Halo at launch for the Xbox One then. That's too bad. It would have helped a lot to combat the PS4's launch. Still I'm not complaining as the launch lineup seems to be quite solid. My only concern is that I think the lineup is composed mostly of cross platform games. I hope that Microsoft would increase the number of exclusives for Xbox One at launch date.
Like you, I've never owned a Halo.
There was a copy of Halo 2 stuck in a second hand XBOX I bought recently but, I've not once even put it back in the console to play it!

Personally, the lack of a launch Halo title wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to me. It's never been a franchise that I've ever been interested in even though I have played most of them from 1 to 3 either on other people's consoles.

Maybe I should get a copy of one for myself and sit down in single player to see if its really a game I've been missing out on all these years?

Maybe I'll try Halo 2 tonight, is it any good anyone?
It's hard to imagine the new Xbox without a new Halo but the 360 launched without one. What does everyone think? I would be surprised not to see something about Halo 5. Just not launching this year. They could also launch with that Halo 2 remake. That would be awesome if they leave the MP intact.

The studio that made all the Halo now working on Destiny. So I think the new Halo happen around Christmas 2014.
Halo is too strong license for Microsoft. They are obliged to release a Halo.

For the moment, the development seems to be at a very advanced stage. I hope the new studio that deals with Halo will do a good job.
Pout now, the trailer seems to push the game in the right direction.
Like you, I've never owned a Halo.
There was a copy of Halo 2 stuck in a second hand XBOX I bought recently but, I've not once even put it back in the console to play it!

Personally, the lack of a launch Halo title wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to me. It's never been a franchise that I've ever been interested in even though I have played most of them from 1 to 3 either on other people's consoles.

Maybe I should get a copy of one for myself and sit down in single player to see if its really a game I've been missing out on all these years?

Maybe I'll try Halo 2 tonight, is it any good anyone?

It's aged pretty bad in my opinion. You would be better off playing Halo 3's singleplayer if you really wanted to try a Halo game.
I may et a halo game for my xb1. But I probably won't buy a older one to get a feel for
Yeah it's too bad that a Halo game won't be launching along with the Xbox One, since that's pretty much the flagship franchise and would have ensured really great sales. Now that we know it won't be release until sometime in 2014, I assume some people may hold off on buying the system at launch as I've even heard from some people that Halo is the game they're looking forward to the most.
While they probably won't be launching with a "surprise" anniversary or new installments of the franchise, Halo is simply too huge a franchise for the company to just up and forget about it. Even if Bungie is no longer making Halo games, surely the rights can be transferred and a new team found? There is still time for it yet. My guess is there will be a Halo 5 or similar coming out in the following years, if it's not in development already.

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