World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria announced!


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
The newest expansion for WoW, Mists of Pandaria, is coming out September 25, 2012! Anyone getting it? Level caps are going up to 90 and I'm not going to lie...a Pandaren Monk? Kinda intriguing! Wait...What am I saying? I don't play WoW...I don't have an 85 Human Rogue...I have never wasted hours on end grinding for gear in dungeons with friends...

Anyways, you can check out the full details here: Direct Link Also, if you order the deluxe digital edition, you get an exclusive mount and pet, along with a few other things. You can check out the bonuses here: Direct Link

Considering they are bringing up a new race and a new class it is pretty decent but compared to the trailer they released for Cata its just not up to par. You really can not compete with Deathwing and a Panda. The issue that bugs me the most is that they are taking the kid route with Pokemon to battle pets.
I absolutely agree that the trailer for Cata blew it away.But I'm just too invested in this darn game to NOT get it, you know? Yeah, I saw the Pandaren and immediately thought 'Kung Fu Panda' :)
I think the biggest thing is going to be if people decide to pay for the collector's or not. I personally have no interest in either of the two other games right now and I do not like the idea of paying 20 bucks for a virtual mount, now if it was a stuffed one I might consider it.
I absolutely agree that the trailer for Cata blew it away.But I'm just too invested in this darn game to NOT get it, you know? Yeah, I saw the Pandaren and immediately thought 'Kung Fu Panda' :)

Ha, so did my daughter when she saw a commercial for it. I really do help it does well but I am honestly not sure. Blizz lost people after Starwars came out and the last I heard they were down 1 billion users, that is a good chunk when they always boosted about having at least 10bil before.

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