The newest expansion for WoW, Mists of Pandaria, is coming out September 25, 2012! Anyone getting it? Level caps are going up to 90 and I'm not going to lie...a Pandaren Monk? Kinda intriguing! Wait...What am I saying? I don't play WoW...I don't have an 85 Human Rogue...I have never wasted hours on end grinding for gear in dungeons with friends...
Anyways, you can check out the full details here: Direct Link Also, if you order the deluxe digital edition, you get an exclusive mount and pet, along with a few other things. You can check out the bonuses here: Direct Link
Anyways, you can check out the full details here: Direct Link Also, if you order the deluxe digital edition, you get an exclusive mount and pet, along with a few other things. You can check out the bonuses here: Direct Link