Xbox One Would it be better if The Xbox One and PS4 were released farther apart.


New Member
Sep 17, 2013
Would it be a good thing if The Xbox One's and Playstation 4's release date was further apart? I mean would there be less controversy if the dates were further apart?
Probably not. Fanboys on both sides will always throw their two cents in, if that's what you mean. One good thing about differing release dates is the company releasing their console later has time to learn from the missteps of the competition, but I'm fine with the One and PS4 having a close release date.
Sony learned from the PS3 launch that earlier is better. Of course, it's only a week earlier but it's still an advantage to be able to sell your console first before you're competitor is on the market.
Once both systems are released, both companies better market the crap out of it and make sure there are no supply shortages either.
And it's too early to tell whether Microsoft or Sony benefits from the separate release dates.
I don't think so either. I think that by releasing both at close dates, people have the ability to choose and not buy one jus because it came first and they don't want to wait for the "next-gen".
I think a lot of people would be more likely to buy both if their release dates were further apart. That being said, they're both going to be raking in millions come Christmas time. The important part of their release dates is that they are out before holiday season.
I don't think I really consider the release dates to be controversial, it's more the features that each one supposedly has or doesn't have that is causing controversy. I would've preferred it to come out a little earlier for parents to get one for their kids and maybe other gifts over just that one thing which probably totals out the amount that many spend on Christmas.
The console that releases last will always be at a huge disadvantage (not counting the week between them now which I don't think is a big deal).

The 360 won over a lot of gamers simply because it was out first.
You'd still have the ugly sniping, but the "war" between the consoles would be rather less close. He who launches lasts, gathers the least ducats. Sony learned that the hard way last time, although there were other considerations to take into account.
I think that more people would be more willing to buy both of the game systems if the releases were not so close together. By them being released at almost the same time, most people will only have money to buy one or the other. By waiting a few months, some may be willing to spend a few dollars for another game system.
I think that more people would be more willing to buy both of the game systems if the releases were not so close together. By them being released at almost the same time, most people will only have money to buy one or the other. By waiting a few months, some may be willing to spend a few dollars for another game system.

No. Maybe a year between them would have folks looking to spend on another console, but all things considered the average person isn't looking to drop extra ducats particularly as we're talking about hundreds of dollars (before taxes). But a couple of months? Nah... especially not this close to Christmas.
Is there any controversy about it right now I for one can't see it. That's competition man!
I doubt it would relieve any controversy. Why would it? They are two different sides "rivaling"... Those who pick one side over the other will still argue for which ever side because it's the next generation console. If the release dates were farther apart, it might cause more issues, such as why one is getting released earlier or later. One side will be more excited which will make the other side rage more...
War? Contreversy? Please... This is the biggest console competition ever, each company has put their best into these consoles and they will release them almost at the same date. I'm so excited to see the results of this, but of course I'm more excited for the consoles and THE GAMES! :D