Would you say that the Android has a better selection than the iPhone?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2013
I don't really use my phone for anything besides calling, texting, and receiving communications. That said I've recently been given a smartphone and I'm wondering whether to really bother putting games on it. So any recommendations or whatever for it?
i havn't used android but i do have an iphone. i dont have social media linked to it.. depends on the game honestly, i dont find the games on iphone that great and usually clutter up the screen. i do use mine for navigation,weather and a few boat related apps. but the gaming i stick to my ipad2.
I wouldn't say that it is better, but Android based phones tend to be a lot cheaper. I do admit the iPhone has a larger variety on their catalog, but still, there are a lot applications that can cover your needs on the Android.
I'm wondering this myself. I already have an ipad and a trackfone, but want to get a fancier phone. iPhones are awesome but I kind of like the idea of some of the windows using phones.
Another reason I'd like to try an android, is that I already have an iPod touch and an ipad. Android would be something different to try out.
I personally don't like storing a lot of games on my phone because it could get addicting. I once had the Candy Crush game on my iPhone and I just couldn't stop playing it. I had to deactivate it to help myself from the addiction.
I don't play many games on my phone, I play candy crush, angry birds, fruit ninja, just the normal ones everyone plays. I'm pretty addicted to fish with attitude right now but that game is better on apple right now. The widows phone, no offense to microsoft such on app selection in general, but android has a great selection. The best thing to do is browse through it and download a couple things, see if you like them and if not delete them. There are so many free games you can't really go wrong
I think they are not that far apart really. You can get a pretty good game selection on both. My favorites are Angry Birds, Candy Crush, and Bubble Blast. Really you can get just about anything you want and most of them are free or have a free version.
The selections from both are not worlds apart. I say if you want a cheaper phone, give Android a try. There are a lot of Android phones on the market with great specs, even better than the iPhone on some aspects, yet with much cheaper prices.
Th reality is that pretty much every worthwhile game will eventually be on both platforms. If a game is good and does well, they will obviously make sure that it is on every platform where they think it can make money. I'm not sure you can go wrong with either Apple or Android when it comes to app choice.
I went from an iPhone to the Note 2. Never going back. Although, I will say that I really do miss the App Store for the iPhone. Google Play is much better than it used to be. Although Apple is top notch.
I have a windows phone.It just seems more.....sophisticated.Boring.Not hip.Not in with the trends.I don't know how to really explain it.It has apps and games but no way near Apple and Google haves.But we don't worry about virus/malware though and is a big help in my every day life.
That is the key. The Android phones are less expensive and those are the type of phones that i am going to go for. I really do not like to spend too much money on phones. Nver have and never will!
In terms of games, definitely no. iOS leaves it in the dust. Apps are usually the same, since developers tend to release for both platforms. Popular apps like web browsers, feed readers, Google apps, Youtube, etc. are all ported and developed on both platforms, typically at the same time. There are some nice exclusives for both platforms, but they're generally for smaller audiences and there are alternatives for the same function.

Android has the advantage of sideloading though, which, while increasing piracy and "modded" apps, allows you to conveniently back up and install specific application versions whenever you feel like, without needing an internet connection or a store application. You can also go back to a previous version of an application, if the recent autoupdate ruined something or you prefer the old one. Plus you can change things like your launcher, status bar or keyboard at will, something that iOS only supports via jailbreaking and to a limited extent.
I don't play many games on my phone, I play candy crush, angry birds, fruit ninja, just the normal ones everyone plays. I'm pretty addicted to fish with attitude right now but that game is better on apple right now. The widows phone, no offense to microsoft such on app selection in general, but android has a great selection. The best thing to do is browse through it and download a couple things, see if you like them and if not delete them. There are so many free games you can't really go wrong

Thats the thing people commonly misconceive. Microsoft is not the one making these applications and games. Neither are apple or google (android, actually google does make a few apps though)

The majority of apps are made by people like you and me. When people become blind fans to any product, they will do anything for that product. Developers will develop only for the iphone if theyre such fanatics that they turn a blind eye to other platforms.

It really costs nothing more to add microsoft and blackberry to the list of supported platform, and it opens your app up to more people. However, some people are so blinded by brand preference that they dont see it that way.

As to the topic though, i think all the "BIG" apps are on both of the platforms you named. Apple will have more "copycats" and "shovelware" than android, although android will have plenty of it too. Shovelware is an app someone made with little to no effort simply to see if it would sell, or to have something in the app store etc.

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