Xbox One xb1 could get 360 emulator.


Jun 23, 2013
Microsoft has confirmed that it has plans to introduce an emulator that’ll allow users to play their Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One.

i am sure this will have a long wait till it actually hits xb1 consoles... think 2016 at earliest imo..

its nice but a day late and dollar short.. the sales it could have gotten with grand theft auto around launch would have made xb1 console sales that much stronger.. its all marketing they didn't want to abandon 360 so once the 360 runs its course and they officially stop games i would assume the emulator will be right around the corner. by that time i wont care to play bl2 or any 360 game so it will become a mute point for the console.

to me this is like microsoft saying ill take you drinking at 20 and at 23 ok lets go to the bar... kinda defeats the purpose.
still nice but day late dollar short.
Hmmmm.... I'm not too hyped for this. So they're finally considering but it'll take a while. By the time they get it working, the PC world will have an emulator running and by then, more and more people will consider playing their 360 games on PC instead. And also, can they put ALL 360 games up into the emulator? Too late indeed.
And now they just thought of it, after saying that being backwards compatible means we're all backwards? I got news for ya MSFT: somebody's already working on a 360 emulator. So in a few years time, we're all gonna play Red Dead Redemption on our PCs. Too late already for that idea. Besides that, what's the point? We might have to buy the 360 games again if it can't work with the emulator.
Hmmmm.... I'm not too hyped for this. So they're finally considering but it'll take a while. By the time they get it working, the PC world will have an emulator running and by then, more and more people will consider playing their 360 games on PC instead. And also, can they put ALL 360 games up into the emulator? Too late indeed.

PC will definitely get a version out for sure, but as for Xbox One, The chances are quite slim.
PC will definitely get a version out for sure, but as for Xbox One, The chances are quite slim.

I agree. MSFT can't do it. They got a lot to do already and considering an emulator right now is nothing but an empty promise. Sony got a headstart already so I don't think making an emulator will be good right now. Too late already.
I agree. MSFT can't do it. They got a lot to do already and considering an emulator right now is nothing but an empty promise. Sony got a headstart already so I don't think making an emulator will be good right now. Too late already.

Too late indeed man. If they really wanted it to happen they could have released one prior to Xbox One.
Hmmmm.... I'm not too hyped for this. So they're finally considering but it'll take a while. By the time they get it working, the PC world will have an emulator running and by then, more and more people will consider playing their 360 games on PC instead. And also, can they put ALL 360 games up into the emulator? Too late indeed.

Yup, you said it bro. What's the point anyway? Sure, all-in-one but at this point, it's too late. And didn't somebody in MSFT say that if you want backwards compatibility, you're backwards?
If that's true, I would think that msft would disallow it OR they wouldn't release it until well~ later. It's too early for something like that to come out (from msft's perspective) since it'll cut into sales. It's the best of both worlds from us gamers' point of view however. :D
It could have been made earlier but this doesn't mean that it's too late. It's never too late to do such a change!
I think they didn't do it earlier because publishers would complain since they wouldn't be able to justify next-gen rereleases like Tomb Raider.
This would be a huge step forward for Microsoft in terms of making the Xbox One that much appealing to gamers. I know a few people who have not bought an Xbox One that would purchase one almost immediately if that was integrated, considering most of them have a large xbox 360 library.

This would be awesome. I think it is much needed and should have been a launch feature, but I digress.
I think they didn't do it earlier because publishers would complain since they wouldn't be able to justify next-gen rereleases like Tomb Raider.

Yeah, you're right. Plus, imagine if they did release the emulator early: nobody's gonna be buying Xbox 360. Then it would suck for those publishers and devs still making games for the 360. Lots of factors to consider.
This would be a huge step forward for Microsoft in terms of making the Xbox One that much appealing to gamers. I know a few people who have not bought an Xbox One that would purchase one almost immediately if that was integrated, considering most of them have a large xbox 360 library.

This would be awesome. I think it is much needed and should have been a launch feature, but I digress.

Yup, it sounds like a good idea but you have to consider the factors about this. MSFT is trying to convey that "all-in-one" aspect with the media apps, the TV shows and whatnot. Making an emulator isn't in their agenda right now. Also, as Claptrap said, it's gonna suck for the publishers who port last-gen to next-gen. And also, can the emulator read discs? Sony is STREAMING last-gen games instead of emulating them. There's a chance this emulator will be similar to PlayStation Now. Sounds like a good idea on paper, but we don't know how good it will be in reality.
If that's true, I would think that msft would disallow it OR they wouldn't release it until well~ later. It's too early for something like that to come out (from msft's perspective) since it'll cut into sales. It's the best of both worlds from us gamers' point of view however. :D

Yup, good for the gamers, not so for the businessmen. It's always going to be a murky and slippery territory when it comes to the emulator.
I think backwards compatibility would be a huge step to take back Sony's advantage, If you can't play PS3 games on the PS4 but you can play 360 games on the One, which console are you more likely to get if you have games from the previous generation?
I think this is an important step in the right direction.
I think that it would help Xbox one sales. I have read and heard that right now the Xbox one sales have been hurting Microsoft I have even heard that they are cutting $50 off of the price of the new Xbox one. Another thing that they plan to throw in is the option of getting Titanfall with the purchase of your xbox one. I think personally it is a desperation act but also one that moves the console up to a level on its own playing field. Right now from the things that I have read the PS4 does not offer the ability to play PS3 games and to me I think that is something that will hurt them in the long run.

Personally I was disappointed when I heard that the PS4 doesn't do this. Thank God I still have my PS3 but just wish that it wasn't so on the PS4. Anyhow I will be getting both consoles pretty soon and at that time I would be able to try out both consoles and see for myself which one is the better one.
I think backwards compatibility would be a huge step to take back Sony's advantage, If you can't play PS3 games on the PS4 but you can play 360 games on the One, which console are you more likely to get if you have games from the previous generation?
I think this is an important step in the right direction.

Yup, true, but Sony's already taken that step first before MSFT. PlayStation Now lets you play PS3 games on PS4 and even the Vita, thanks to the GAIKAI. MSFT is still at the considering stage, so it might take more than a year or even two before the emulator is ready. And considering, they probably didn't even have the emulator in their plans when they were developing the XB1. So it's really ta
I think that it would help Xbox one sales. I have read and heard that right now the Xbox one sales have been hurting Microsoft I have even heard that they are cutting $50 off of the price of the new Xbox one. Another thing that they plan to throw in is the option of getting Titanfall with the purchase of your xbox one. I think personally it is a desperation act but also one that moves the console up to a level on its own playing field. Right now from the things that I have read the PS4 does not offer the ability to play PS3 games and to me I think that is something that will hurt them in the long run.

Personally I was disappointed when I heard that the PS4 doesn't do this. Thank God I still have my PS3 but just wish that it wasn't so on the PS4. Anyhow I will be getting both consoles pretty soon and at that time I would be able to try out both consoles and see for myself which one is the better one.

Sony is making the PlayStation Now, a streaming game service that lets youp lay PS1, PS2 and PS3 games via streaming. It's not an emulator per se but it's Sony's way of being able to serve the gamers who still want to play the old-school games and last-gen games on the PS4, Vita, PS3 and other supported devices. Not exactly what you want but still, PS Now still has its merits. Sony found a way to get around the emulator problem.
I think backwards compatibility would be a huge step to take back Sony's advantage, If you can't play PS3 games on the PS4 but you can play 360 games on the One, which console are you more likely to get if you have games from the previous generation?
I think this is an important step in the right direction.

Well technically, the PS4 CAN play PS3 games (and PS2 and PS1 games) via PlayStation Now. While yes, not an emulator in the form it's in, it's still capable to play the last-gen games. So PS4 just gained an advantage overt MSFT. PS Now is slowly coming to form and will be available to everyone very soon but MSFT? It's gonna take a while. Yup, I agree but if MSFT is just "considering" it right now, they'd better make it fast cuz Sony already's many steps ahead with it.