Xbox One Xbox 360 or 720?


New Member
Jul 20, 2012
I've signed up here because I'm looking to get a 360 shortly due to the wide variety of games available (my PS2 and original Xbox aren't cutting it for me anymore!) However, I'm thinking now about whether it's actually going to be better for me to wait until the arrival of the 720. Can anyone offer any guidance or opinion on this? I don't like spending a fortune on my games, hence why I'm thinking of getting a 360 now so I can pick up pre-owned titles instead; the 720 sure is tempting though!
I think if anything we will wait a while for the 720, even if the prices drop. Right now is just not the best time to setup for any lose of money for extra toys. We ended up getting a huge hospital bill that we get to pay off in the next few months but if the timing is right we might be able to swing it.
I've signed up here because I'm looking to get a 360 shortly due to the wide variety of games available (my PS2 and original Xbox aren't cutting it for me anymore!) However, I'm thinking now about whether it's actually going to be better for me to wait until the arrival of the 720. Can anyone offer any guidance or opinion on this? I don't like spending a fortune on my games, hence why I'm thinking of getting a 360 now so I can pick up pre-owned titles instead; the 720 sure is tempting though!

From what I have read, the 720 isn't due to release until next year or the year after, so if you wait, you'll have to wait at least another year, maybe even two, before you get your next console. Even then, when the 720 releases, it's going to release at its "top price", so you'll probably have to wait another year after that for a price drop into a more affordable price range. Personally, I would go ahead and buy a 360, because there are so many games out there for it already. When the 720 releases, there won't be many games available for it initially, unless it releases as "backwards compatible" with 360 games.
I completely agree with Gamertag888, waiting for the next Xbox console doesn't make a lot of sense. Besides, I don't think Microsoft has officially announced the release date for Xbox 720. I 'd go with the 360 for now.
If you think you can wait for 2 years (possibly more), the 720 is something you can look at. But even then, as a new console, there will be very few games in the market initially, so you are going to get bored anyway. I 'd say invest in a good PC, it 'll last you longer than any console.
Wreckless, the guys are right, you would have to wait a very very long time for the 720 so if you are really curious about what an Xbox is like you could buy the 360 and maybe sell it when the new one comes out.
Well, if you're worried about spending too much on a new system, you can have comfort in the fact that the prices aren't anywhere near as high as they once were. You can get a 360 brand new for $179 now. Of course it doesn't have many of the hardware bells and whistles. As with the 720, you don't know how long of a wait you'll have for that as it hasn't even been announced yet.
It's better to give yourself some Xbox 360 goodness right NOW! It's one of the best consoles of its generation and it's got a lot of great games to enjoy. Don't worry about the Xbox 720 just yet. The 360 would give you lots of gaming fun and excitement for years to come.
My advise to you is to go ahead and get yourself the XBox 360 now. The release of X720 might be in the year 2015 and I don't think you are ready to wait that long! In addition, the hyped advantages of x720 aren't there to be exploited so my advise stands. Anyway I don't want to underestimate your patience!
well, it should be obvious that the choice is 720 once its released.
yeah, we don't know much about the 720 yet, or when it will be released. As I told someone the past week, for now, stick with the 360. The next next-gen systems won't be out for 2-3 years anyways