Xbox One Xbox One Match Making & Rep System abuse


Former Moderator
Aug 30, 2013
As we all know the rep system for the 360 is pointless and is abused. How will this fall into the matchmaking aspect of XB1? I'm going to speculate and say that it can probably be abused again by sore losers and such. Any thoughts?
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Almost everything on the Xbox 360 has been abused and exploited in some way lol I've been on XBL for about four years now and have only reported two people for BLATANT TOS violations. But some folks feel the need to ding someone for any little thing, especially if that "thing" involves them losing a match.

From what I've read, Microsoft is revamping their reputation system to weed out the false reports and only deal with the ones that clearly violate policy. How well this new system will work out remains to be seen, but they at least acknowledged it. Which is a step in the right direction. I personally don't believe it will ever be 100% accurate but if people know they can't just push a button and ruin someone's day, they might think twice before doing so.
Yes, I'm definitely worried about it. I know MS claims they are taking steps to eliminate "false" reports, but what if sore loses just start reporting good players? One bad report is obviously not going to get you in trouble, but what if people band together to do it? I get hate mail all the time after playing COD, most of which makes no sense (I get called a camper when I am always on the move).

Another thing I don't like is looking for people who are frequently muted and punishing them. Maybe someone is just too chatty and I just want to mute them, but don't want to report them.

Plus, adding more complexity to matchmaking means more time to get into a game. I don't need MS to police the community. If someone is annoying, I mute them. On a rare occasion I run into someone doing something really bad, I set them as an "avoided" player. I probably have to do that once a year. For people who sing or scream during the game, there's always the quick mute option. I don't see the need for more than that.
I agree..the mute option is a great by itself. But I still can't see MS "weeding" out false reporting. Now that we are discussing this,I dont even see why they are going to carry it over to xb1.
XBL has been completely infected by 12 year olds high on sugar. I have given up on the service at this point. I cannot join a server where someone hasn't done my mother are doesn't scream racial and bigoted slurs.
They have completey revamped the rep system because of the issues like this. Plus they have that new program.....ummmm its like xbox unity or something like that
I can totally see a bunch of little ten year olds getting super whiney and clicking that button as a sore loser. Then again, I bet there are just as many grown adults who do it as well :rolleyes:
I can totally see a bunch of little ten year olds getting super whiney and clicking that button as a sore loser. Then again, I bet there are just as many grown adults who do it as well :rolleyes:

lol im sure there are. But hopefully they can really tackle these things. If everything is going to be automated and REGULATED then maybe we will get a better online exp. without lol